The Crypto Thread

Well before these jpeg bros even discovered what cryptocurrency was, you could’ve made some decent coin from this shit if you weren’t too busy barely containing your glee at seeing me get “rekt”.

That doesnt sound like me but you could be right

lol i just went back and skimmed the posts from late may last year after that crash, it’s a total horrorshow that even i’m surprised at

anyhow i did hit my million dollar target in a sense, but the majority of that got frozen on binance (and would now be worth way less)

let’s all laugh at that haha

Not yet. We’re waiting for SCOTUS to legalize chattel slavery again.

I dunno about local groceries or coffee specifically, but a ton of merchants accept crypto as payment. I was just browsing a site called Craft Beer Kings, which is one of the few places that will ship beer across state lines, and here’s what they take:

In the watch thread, we recently noticed that DavidSW (x3) accepts crypto (makes tons of sense for ultra luxury items like this). I’ve bought online hosting and storage with crypto. But like @anon3530961 said, the problem with BTC specifically is it’s deflationary, so if you think that’s the all-time flagship line only go up coin, it would be dumb to buy your groceries with it. And every sale is technically a taxable event, which aorn can be a complete nightmare to report properly.

cartoon ape jpegs dummy

That’s what I thought when this showed up in my timeline

Litecoin has started to specifically market itself as 'the cryptocurrency for payments" btw

I know it’s gotten a lot of hate from the influencer crowd this cycle but I still think it’s a sleeping giant. Fundamentally it’s superior to BTC in every way.

What’s the advantage of Litecoin over cash/credit if, say, I want to buy a pizza?

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There isn’t any.

Same advantage you’d get if the pizza place took a xfer right from your pokerstars account.


The main advantage right now is for the merchants avoiding card fees. So you could see discounts as a consumer for paying with crypto if adoption increases. Some places do it already I’m sure.

You could also argue there are privacy advantages. I like being my own bank because I don’t trust third parties to act in my best financial interest in the long run.

Ofc in reality I’m still mostly in it for the speculation and still using credit cards for the vast majority of purchases. But I could see a future where that changes.

Cash is cheaper and more private.

I’m not anti-crypto, but I do like playing devil’s advocate on this stuff, because I think a lot of the pro-crypto arguments fall apart pretty easily. The main value seems to be innovation, that ultimately can just be applied better to our existing payment systems than crypto itself.

I see one future for crypto being a laboratory that produces innovations that can be used by a central bank digital currency.

Some people want to use crypto against governments, but I think a better goal would be finding a way for governments to use crypto concepts to decrease the power of the banking inndustry.

It is, but folks don’t actually care about how crypto affects the environment, same with golf - or else you’d hear about it in the golf thread. They care when you bring money into the mix … Always has been …


I agree it’s always good to try to dissect an argument from both sides.

The crypto landscape has certainly changed significantly since I started learning about it and making my first BTC buys. Some people I learned from and have a lot of respect for have soured on it completely and I think I mostly understand why. I have zero interest in the altcoin/NFT/yield farming which is still dominating the space these days. The only interest to me in crypto was as a protection against inflation and as a monetary system outside of government control.

I still fear a future where my ideas & writing could be seen by the government as illegal or criminal. A future where my assets may not be safe in my bank account or even my own home. A future where the USD has lost its status as world reserve currency and quality of life in this country is much worse. This is where I still see value in projects like BTC and LTC.

In the short term I do think it’s likely that valuations for the vast majority of crypto projects continue to trend downwards. I’ve fully exited my BTC position at this point and only hold LTC now. Pretty confident the days of BTC 10xing in a year are over. It’s into the phase of actually attracting government attention & regulation now which was never a period of time I wanted to hodl a significant position through. But the blue chip cryptos will continue trucking along with their same fundamental properties regardless of the attacks they face or what happens to their USD valuations…and I do find that kind of beautiful and important.