The Crypto Thread

Different people will have different answers, and no one answer applies to all aspects of crypto. I’m not convinced much of it will be a benefit to humanity and have mentioned ways it might not. Somebody recently posted about how many of the use cases for crypto rely on things falling apart. You don’t need a trustless digital ledger of ownership if you have a functioning government.

On the other hand, some of the idealism in crypto seems genuinely good. One example being digital identity, which is ready to go and just needs widespread adoption. I believe the world will be a better place when we don’t rely on third parties harvesting personal data to provide universal logins. I genuinely hate and fear how much online activity is owned and controlled by a very small number of very large tech companies, and that is a big part of what web3 is trying to fix. Efforts in those directions should be applauded and supported.

But ultimately the main reason I’m involved is simply because it seems like things are going to keep happening here. There is so much time and effort being thrown at crypto - often by idealistic true believers - that something coming out of all this is far more likely than the nothing haters keep wishcasting. I can have exposure to positive black swans with little risk, but even if I don’t benefit financially, it’s just plain interesting.


I know you are probably joking but tubcats seems like one almost all of us benefitted from.

I’m not really joking. The discord has been very beneficial for active discord members I’m sure. I stumbled on to tubs having no idea what it was and 99% of the times i’d miss it. I even got a few ‘how tf did you even get here’ questions.

But i mean i was @ here in a discussion about how much money everyone made knowing i made none, so maybe that was an act of kindness by itself.

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$100 bet to charity of choice that any of the top ten websites (by whatever metrics) don’t have an oath2-style “login with (blockchain)” button on their signin/signon screen in the next year?

Heck no. It’s going to take longer than that, and the biggest websites have a vested interest in keeping things centralized. Any web3 success is going to be ground up.

Why can you sign in to, for example, the washington post with your google, facebook, or apple IDs then?

Because those platforms have large enough user bases that accommodating them is more attractive than trying to convert them. Do you have reason to think blockchain sign in will never be widely adopted? Most of the stuff we now take for granted is barely 10 years old, including OAuth2.

Because if it was going to happen at all it would have happened by now. No normies are paying $50+ in gas fees to “register their digital id” on the blockchain.

What goofy said, plus is has happened. This is already how you log on to any dex or dapp.

Why do golfers insist on putting with a driver? I can’t believe the fees some of these caddies charge.


oh shit lol, i was going on and on about crypto in the election threads

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Ah yes. MetaMask™, developed by Consensus Software Inc., is all you need to get started on the anonymous decentralized web!

you should read the responses i got discussing nfts for the first time

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if it was easy money nobody would’ve missed out on it

i have more than once lol

Can you own people with NFTs? Asking for a friend.

Spending $2k on a dinner is a bit different from profiting as much as some people spent on their house here from a jpeg.

I’ll be breathlessly waiting for the day I can sign into the washington post with it with my $100. Offer still stands btw. 2 years? 5 years? :thinking:

You certainly know much more about it than i do , maybe easy wasn’t the right word.

I am prolly the dumbest poster here and i managed to buy a bag of ethereum @ $22.

that’s why the cartoon ape jpeg guys are so mad btw