The Crypto Thread

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Pretty reasonable tbh.

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Barely even 24hrs after UST destruction we have a new algorithmic stablecoin that gives 60% APR

According to its whitepaper, Sun’s stablecoin would maintain its peg by a minting/burn process that would convert one USDD to $1 worth of TRX, the native token of the Tron blockchain. Conversely, $1 worth of TRX could be burned to mint one USDD.

TRX rank #14 by market cap currently, 7billion mcap

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You probably don’t feel like you missed out on easy money by not playing golf.

Think most of the hate is from missing out on the easiest money ever.

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Imagine coming here to try and dunk on sven with an opensea screenshot when he is one of the top 5 if not top 1 earners from nfts on this forum.

Even if he did manage to lose what you say he did (which he didn’t) it’s about as meaningful as posting one hand history and saying someone in it is a donk. It’s embarrasing especially coming from someone with a gambling background.

You get why it might be a trigger though, right? A lot of us here either are or know people who are struggling desperately to get by, and we get a post that drops a casual “hey check out this 200K thing I did today. Lol suck it poors.”

Its like reading one of those shitty Bogglehead posts where the guy who is making 2 mil a year with 10 mil in savings asking if he has enough to retire. Cool man, great story, im gonna be lucky to put 10 grand in my 401k this year, but yeah, wtg on your $200K monkey bs.

Like, you guys have a discord where you can cheer each other on and talk about your wins and losses and strategies, and all that. What is the value of dumping a “Lol poor losers” post here?

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Despite what they’ve said, they very much care what everyone else thinks about their ponzi gains. And a couple posts noting the absurdity of half a trillion dollars in market cap vaporizing overnight made them big mad.


Can anyone smarter than me explain the reasoning behind Do Kwan taking a $11M bet like this back in March? If price of Luna goes up within a year, he makes a boat load of money anyway from his mountainous stack of Luna coins.

Seems like a “F U” type of bet. He accepted the bet and transferred $11M.

Seems like he got baited…^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1503103705939423234|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Price of Luna at the time:

Ok fair enough. But lets not forget that a lot of the people you think are out to make you feel bad would have tried to help anyone here. I mean i personally gifted you a nft worth over $100 that got you into a poker tournament you could have won a bunch of money from right? I’ve seen lots of random acts of kindness from the so called bad guys here.

And let’s not forget the order of events. It wasn’t a bunch of people bragging about how much money they had and then all this started. It was jwax and suzzer and riverman posting this stuff for pretty much a year and the people actually participating in it laughing at them. No one forced them to show up and fill this thread with shitposting. Jwax couldn’t have it more backwards about who is “big mad” here and all you have to do to see it is read the thread.


How is this any different than spending 2-5K on a single dinner?

How much someone should be taken to task should be commensurate with their takes on this board. Most of the posters in that group aren’t the ones dropping extremist takes at every opportunity to do so.

I’m honestly surprised this conversation has sat on the shelf this long. Crypto and poker (to a lesser extent) are absolutely at odds with many tenants of leftist ideology.

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Why would I be satisfied with 60% when I could be earning 383,025%?!? :open_mouth: NFA!

I am not a crypto hater, but I would like to be one someday. I just haven’t had the energy to “do my own research” and I am too ignorant to articulate a position on this. I am curious though - what is your pro-crypto position? I don’t mean that it can serve as a speculative vehicle for capital accumulation (ftr not something we need!), I mean more broadly. If this tech really becomes embedded into our daily life (in the sense that the internet has), why should I think that it will benefit humanity? Will it undermine dollar diplomacy and US hegemony? Or just make it impossible to own a concert ticket anymore? Explain this to me as if I was someone who didn’t have a Nobel in Economics.

Also, would be interested in a golf hate thread.


Let’s not forget, that we should really just blame @Yuv for introducing us all to Topshot.




The pro-crypto position is exactly the same as the pro-poker position

The thread is fine. The shitposting fine. Not every shitpost needs to be dissected for its moral reasonings from all of its participants - that would ruin this thread.

And yet I was not the recipient of any of the famed acts of kindness.


Depends on who you ask:

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