The Crypto Thread

Lol you didn’t even send me into orbit. Losing your touch man

Read it like Neil Young

Uh huh, this from one of the biggest cheerleaders of “Anything is possible! You have no idea!” in the whole thread.

This you?

How many actually rich celebs and athletes do you think will still care about showing off their bored apes to each other in 5, 10 years? Now do watches and jewelry.

Hence my statement about starting from square one. What are metaverse/social-media avatars actually worth, to the people who care about them long-term, absent any speculative element?

Yeah, pretty sure that was me. No idea what point you’re trying to make.

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So it only took one day for suzz to go from “I’ve sworn off shitposting in the crypto thread” to coming here to spike the football? Pretty much no one here is a true believer and have either partially or mostly gone to cash a long time ago. As near as i can tell the people Riverman and Suzz think they are owning are still collectively up 8 figures in the last year even after all this.

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That was a lot of paragraphs to say “Yeah suzzer, the bubble pop you predicted is coming someday and I will accept it with dark humor.”

Great, then you guys knew I had a point all along, even as you flipped out on me itt for calling it a bubble.

So you went to cash in your 401k and cruise stonks right? You saw this bubble popping so I’m sure you did.

I read plenty of versions of zikzak’s post on the Motley Fool boards back in the dotcom bubble.

I’m still not sure I get your point. I’m not even trying to be argumentative, I’m just confused. You’ve been saying for months that it was all a bubble and when the bottom dropped out it would be all over but the crying. So the bottom just dropped out (for like the 3rd time since the Fall), and crypto world is still plugging along the same as always. So… ?

I can also tell you how this is going to end, based on the Motley Fool boards. This thread will become a ghost town. And after all the condescending scorn and derision I got for trying to speak some truth into it, I will still somehow be the asshole for kicking the dead horse and ever bringing up the subject again.

You’re still trotting out this tired analogy? Literally not one single bear on the Motley Fool boards didn’t get the internet.

In fact it was more the opposite. It was people like my uncle asking if XML was going to be the next Linux, and the people who said “Lol at you and your fundamentals. My CMGI keeps going up! PPPTHHHTTHHTH!!!”

Time is a flat circle man.


Uh I don’t get a plugging along as always vibe itt. Does crypto still exist even though someone apparently had to chew their arm off to sell an ape they bought for $2.5M? Yes. Not sure what that’s supposed to prove.

Yeah no fair using past “this time it’s different” bubbles to compare to the present one. Nothing can be learned from history wrt to these things.

Ok I’m checking out for a few weeks again before the real battle royale starts. Dunk away.

In a few weeks this thread will be a ghost town because apparently crypto just ended and we’re all off to work our shifts at McDonald’s.

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No one had on their bingo card… a crash that to date is quite milder than the ones in 2018 and 2014.

The difference between you and us is that one of your main points of skepticism was how crypto would react following a big collapse. Our counter-argument has been we saw it happen already on multiple occasions and in very not-bubble-like fashion it’s bounced back every time. I think most of us predict it will do that again and you don’t. We’ll see who’s right.

Why doesn’t suzzer short this stuff if he is such a genius? It’s free money!

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