The Crypto Thread

Good point, all the cryptobros ITT are hustling just to turn around and pay a 40% vig on their Gordon Gekko crypto winnings to the 2nd largest terrorist organization on the planet.

Don’t believe for a second that any of them have the courage of their convictions/faith in crypto decentralization to evade paying taxes to the terrorists.

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gimme dat fiat

The WSJ Dollar Index, which measures the U.S. currency against a basket of 16 others, has risen 7.1% in 2022, outpacing everything from stocks to bonds to gold. That has provided shelter to investors seeking reprieve from volatility elsewhere in markets, while stirring concerns about how a strong dollar might affect everything from multinational companies to emerging-market economies.

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Crypto is bad because of all the anonymous illegal stuff, but also bad because it doesn’t actually let you be anonymous, and also bad because you can still be anonymous, but bad because it’s too hard to take those extra steps, yet it’s bad because of all the shady exchanges flouting the law, and bad when those same shady exchanges comply with the law, and bad because there are decentralized exchanges where laws can’t reach, but bad because those exchanges are less trustworthy unlike the still not trustworthy exchanges that are bad for mutually exclusive reasons, and you’re bad for participating in any of it because some adjacent person or organization might be doing immoral things, and you’re also a wimpy hypocrite if you don’t do immoral things yourself like tax fraud.


I mean, crypto is mainly bad because it’s a negative sum game that produces nothing of value.

Except for cryptodickbutts




He did concede that the dickbutt stuff has value.

Lol, you guys need to talk to your fellow cryptobro hokie. He is the one that called the US government the largest terrorist organization on the planet. I merely followed the logical conclusion of his assertion that you should then use crypto’s supposed benefits to avoid giving them money….

So feel free to defend the integrity of the US government to him if you wish.

bad post

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The hack is made possible due to the flashloan-assisted manipulation of price oracle that reads from the StableV1 AMM - USDC/DEI pair. The manipulated price of collateral DEI is then used to borrow and drain the pool.

indeed indeed
Getting closer to english…

Is your beef mostly with Binance or crypto in general? Bitcoin has been used for far longer than binance has been around and crypto isn’t really responsible obv for the bad things that Binance maybe thought about possibly doing.

This forum in general has basically been a no trolling zone, so occasionally someone does troll a bit like BJ was wrt navalny (yes, I got his point as well) then people fall for it and just needlessly double down rather than being like “my bad.”

Virtually everything beetlejuice writes ITT is trolling, but like… I don’t get it. Were you and/or MasterofthePwn actually under the impression that beetlejuice thinks the terrorist designation on Navalny is legitimate or just? Or did you think the idea that it’s questionably ethical for Binance to comply with this (if they even are doing that) would be novel to him? “Oh man, never thought of that!”. If you just assume you’re talking to an intellectual equal, when you read his post and are like “what is he saying here?” then you will very quickly hit on the answer “oh he’s saying this is Russian law, and if corporations want to operate in Russia they have to abide by that law, and Binance is not unusual among other corporations in this regard”. That is what I arrived at about 5 seconds after originally reading his post.

Like you said that him bringing up the terrorist designation was “raised by wolves” but to me it’s you and MasterofthePwn who come across in this conversation like they are completely unaware of the context within which discussions are happening on this forum, namely that this is a left-wing forum and people understand this shit. The people who sail in here wanting to OWN THE CRYPTOBROS always approach conversations like they are talking to complete fucking dumb-dumbs, which is why the trolling takes the form of inviting accusations of ignorance.


I think it’s disgusting if it’s trolling and disgusting if it’s real. And to keep doing it after being called out is really lame.

Like I said, we could have had a sober discussion about Binance, and I guess we eventually did between all the rancor. Yes it was critical, but I wasn’t exactly coming in to spike the football and dance around (which is ALWAYS how the hyper-sensitive crypto bros tend to take any criticism).

But then bj completely set me off with his nonsense so lol me I guess. Good one. Up there with making jokes about Jews and ovens. So edgy.

Anyway the next time I come in with something critical I’m just going to pre-emptively ignore bj so he doesn’t get under my skin. I’m not the brightest, but I do eventually learn from my mistakes.

That ship sailed a few thousand posts ago. There’s no real discussion in this thread, it’s some folks screaming at crypto bros that aren’t in the room and it’s some others either trying to say “it’s not like that,” and now you’re also just getting people laughing, too. The binance discussion is pure weirdness because some folks are taking their Russia-Ukraine rage and applying it to this thread when no one in this thread has anything to do with the company you’re screaming about.

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The only time you ever come in here is to post negative shit. No one is interested in discussing anything on this topic with you.

TIL I am a cryptobro


Anyone who does anything other than trash crypto and anyone who uses it or has any level of interest in learning about it is a crypto bro.

Isnt this a bit of a problem? If you are unwillingy to discuss negative shit about the thing you are into, isnt it just Scientology?

It’s not about being unwilling to discuss anything negative. Anyone in the discord can tell you that I’m actually quite skeptical about crypto and NFTs myself, and have had some pretty negative discussions about it in there.

The difference is in the approach. I don’t act like I’m the smartest person in the room about a topic where the other people are much more knowledgeable than me. I actually listen to what they have to say and use it to inform myself on the topic. I don’t interact with the subject only when I have a negative headline to bring up. I don’t call people crypto bros for having an interest in the topic.

Full disclosure: I currently own zero NFTs, and my crypto assets amount to somewhere between 1-2% of my net worth, and that net worth is almost certainly among the smallest of anyone regularly posting in this thread.

I point this out only to show that I am not some crypto evangelist.

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