The Crypto Thread

Surely you see the problem here? There are glorious crypto tools for helping dissidents stick it to the man but also actual dissidents aren’t able to use them without being at risk of getting scammed. Navalny’s not a moron, if he’s not sophisticated enough to navigate all this, what’s the point?

What? All you have to do is not use a kyc centralized exchange. There are tons of options and none of them are particularly complicated.

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No part of that article says Binance ever handed over any donor or dissident information.

Nobody has ever credibly accused Binance of handing over donor or dissident information.

Navalny’s own chief of staff has said he does not believe Binance ever shared any donor or dissident information.

I’m not sure “Binance agreed to hand over the information, but it’s unclear if any information was actually handed over” is the slam dunk you think it is. Does that really change anybody’s argument about whether Navalny supporters should trust Binance or not?

It could be Binance was preparing to hand over the data, but then Russia invaded Ukraine. At that point they read the political winds and decided to go the other way.

And yet here we are.

You guys should boycott binance if you feel so strongly about this

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Nobody has said they agreed to hand over donor or dissident information either! They were in discussions to comply with the exact same sort of regulations they comply with in every other country they do business in. That’s it.

If any of you care to read Binance’s side, they’ve been pretty open about it all.

They have a choice whether or not to comply or not to an abusive request that involves labeling Navalny a terrorist. If Russia won’t budge they have a choice to not do business with Russia.

Yes, they state exactly that in the link I just posted. They are also no longer doing business in Russia.

Am I supposed to be mad at them for what they could have done, in an alternate reality?

You mean what they were about to do, when all eyes weren’t on them, until Russia invaded Ukraine? Yeah I’d say that’s important to the discussion.

Ok. Let’s discuss all the financial institutions that were doing business in Russia prior to the invasion and were operating in compliance with Russia’s regulations. It’s probably going to be a pretty long list.

Do you desire absolute bank secrecy in all cases including antiterrorism investigations? Do you want businesses to decide for themselves what laws to follow? Well you’ll LOVE hating on crypto with this group of likeminded… leftists??


You are either the most obtuse, or the smarmiest poster on this site.



I’m of the belief that all exchanges should be subject to kyc regulations and that governments should try to shut down those that don’t comply.

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Grunch: you’re talking about the US government right?


Careful which thread you post this in

Pretty good interview. Need some let’s go Brandon coin.

Let’s Get Brandon To Quit