The Crypto Thread

Look at what you comes have become, mocking murdered political dissidents for not “getting” your technology and giving it a black eye through their alleged misuse. You are palpably mad at them for it! Pure insanity….

It is not even about Binance. If you are political active since Putin came to power and don’t really understand what is anonymous and what is not that you can only blame yourself. You should stay away from anything that requires you to identify yourself. If I was an American and Trump won again I would make sure all my political activity was fully anonymous.

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He’s really not, though. It’s performative bullshit.

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Sure. But remember there are two very distinct questions here. #1 is what would you, a smart, savvy, online American do? I think we all have a handle on that.

#2 is what would at least some % of the masses do? Savvy people will quickly learn how to navigate any system. But if you want adoption by the masses, you have to look out for the masses. Pointing at them and saying “you can only blame yourself” doesn’t advance that goal. If you don’t care about adoption by the masses, then by all means, blame them for trusting a crypto exchange to keep their data private.

Also as CanadaMatt pointed out more eloquently than I could - fuck Binance. They could have resisted. Other companies have.

I was indeed palpably furious at Beetle’s “obviously don’t agree they are terrorists…. but just don’t donate to terrorists” JAQing off. I’m just disappointed in the rest of you.

A reminder that nobody has actually accused Binance of doing the thing we’re supposed to be outraged about. I know this will continue to be ignored but it seems kind of important.


  1. Wall Street is evil, need to create a new paradigm maaaaannn……

  2. what is this morality BS you are trying to impose on us, we are just emulating Wall Street bankers…. oh, and we get to do so without even the hassle of minimal Wall Street regulations, it’s the pre-1929 Wild West in here, yeeehaw! And if a cryptobro hands over your info to Putin then that is on you… Greed is Good, don’t you know?

  1. Read the Reuters story posted itt saying Navalny’s group is considered a terrorist organization in Russia
  2. Dare quote Reuters when someone is wondering why he’s being treated like a terrorist in Russia
  3. Profit
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Four seems like a massive understatement. It wonder if we could just let this thread run on its own with AI at this point using machine learning. Bot 1 comes in with a news article or a story and presents some standard take we’ve seen a million times, attacking some generic cryptobro strawman that doesn’t exist ITT. Then Bot 2 responds with text generated from one our million rebutalls. JoshBot posts a random meme every week that’s unrelated to everything else happening in the thread.


Ok but I’ll point out that in non-first world countries, “the masses” don’t have things like cc fraud protection, fdic insurance, or even easy access to banking. They certainly don’t have any financial privacy either. So when you say it’s easy for someone inexperienced to lose everything with a click, well that’s not much of a disadvantage over their default situation. And it’s pretty likely that the crypto options will progress faster on this front than the non-crypto ones.

This is called the “raised by wolves” defense. It was very popular with AC-ists back on 22.

Seems like someone ought to work on a crypto platform that dissidents can actually use without getting burned or scammed.

They have those

  1. It was extremely shitty of Binance to hand people over to Putin

  2. It’s unfortunate that people are confused about the anonymity of crypto transactions, can easily see how that happens

  3. have a lot of work to do to realize the theoretical benefits of decentralization. Not a given that we will get there but that’s the goal.

Extremely obvious response that any normal person would have if they weren’t converted to mini-Gordon Gekkos

Instead we get:

  1. not saying they were donating to terrorists but also they should have just not donated to terrorists

  2. they were stupid and only have themselves to blame

  3. we are just emulating Wall Street

Wow, that’s terrible! Can you provide me a link or something about that happening? Or even a credible accusation of that happening? I’d hate to think you made all these posts about a thing that didn’t actually happen.

And yet actual dissidents seem to be getting fucked over.

And now we are moving into Trumpian territory. Binance had no choice but to hand people over to Putin after he designated them terrorists as outlined in this Reuters article, do you even Wall Street bro?…. but also it never happened.

Quote me the part of the article that says that.

No one ever suggested that Binance was one of them.

Here you go, excited to see you lawyer it up:

But Binance strenuously objects that anything improper was done!