The Crypto Thread

I think if you own crypto then you’re a crypto bro, and you cosign to 100% of the bad ideaologies that Riverman perceives that all bros have. We’re all just one hivemind.

If we don’t make these arguments then how are we gonna get anyone to buy our bags?


Hasn’t UP taught you yet that everything on earth is black and white?

Yeah man like I’m fucking virtue signaling over here. I guess it’s just so unfathomable to you that anyone would just care about people regardless of which imaginary lines they happen to live in between. Nope, it’s all just a scheme to pump my bags bro! Gotta fund the crypto bro army man. We’re coming for you.

I believe you care about people. The idea that “caring about people” is in any way logically connected to stanning for cryptocurrency is absolutely absurd.

If you think what Goofy is doing is “speculating” then you really haven’t been paying attention.

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But no one was actually doing that. You just came in here throwing a fit again this morning because you saw BTC was up 8% today.


The reason I used cruise stonks as an example previously is exactly this. Beating people over the head with the immorality of crypto when you have no idea what you are talking and are engaged in making money from dubiously ethical ventures yourself is at best hypocritical. I’m sure the world of corporate banking law doesn’t have any potential ethical issues either. Secondly it doesn’t make a lot of sense because basically everyone here agrees that crypto is full of ethical issues, scams and so on.

As others have said you aren’t here in good faith. You have no intention of doing anything other than trolling and trying to make yourself feel better about something you clearly don’t understand. If anyone else was engaging in this kind of posting anywhere on the forum they would have eaten a ban a long time ago. You literally just tried to ban someone for doing the same thing you are doing here and worse really.


Lots of Russians probably want to leave Russia and one of the ways they can do that is with bitcoin. The billionaires and Russian government aren’t using bitcoin and they definitely don’t need bitcoin. Honestly, this is probably the biggest actual utility of bitcoin - being able to cross borders with it when you have to escape.

IMO, the current run up in bitcoin price, as always, is overwhelmingly speculative. People are buying on the pretense that Russia is going to transition to using bitcoin and then it becomes a feedback loop upwards with more and more buying.


Yeah I am not a crypto bro, although after reading enthusiastic arguments on a leftist political forum for bankrupting civilians in order to put pressure on their dictator, I am thinking of becoming one.

Yeah banning BillHaywood for “coming into a thread and just repeating the same thing over and over without engaging with counterarguments in good faith”, I mean Jesus Christ, buy a mirror.


I dont think standard Russian should have bank accounts or crypto accounts frozen. That said, everyone here posting in the Russia thread seemed on board with sanctions that crushed their market and currency. I think its weird to be very in favour of the first, but think the second is beyond the pale even if I think I fall into that bucket.

I think that’s most of it, although it’s certainly true that ruble-BTC trading has spiked hard.

Yeah something that I think is not widely understood about sanctions is that past a certain point (laser-targeted stuff like weapons trading sanctions etc) what they are is a tool for destablising a regime by putting its population under hardship. If you think it’s possible to “target just the government” as is often claimed, you are a mark. The government is a fucking dictatorship, they are the ones who decide where money goes and doesn’t go in the country.

One means for a government to finance war in the face of sanctions is to print money, thus devaluing the currency held by their citizens. If ordinary Russians can hedge in crypto, thus tanking the ruble before the government even gets around to printing more, then that’s good.

While I agree, the vast majority of the population is not going to do such and will suffer gigantic hardships.

I agree, but the geopolitical situation is serious and it’s arguable that measures that are harsh and unjust need to be taken if they’re the only measures available. But freezing BTC accounts of random Russians seems like pure sadism given that the country is in for an economic beating regardless.

Made $3k on crypto today… by drafting a legal complaint related to a contract for management of miners.

Did you know China had 70% of miners before outlawing mining in September 2021? Kazakhstan couldn’t handle the influx, so a lot will probably go to the US.


Killary on Maddow tonight wandering off into a protracted sidebar on regulating crypto because [meow NaTiOnAL sEcuRiTy RiSkS meow]. Good talk.

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well, she just lost my vote


Yeah it was temporarily a significant drop in Bitcoin hashrate while the miners had to relocate

Q: Hey Hillary, some psychopathic shitbag with 6,000 nukes is off the reservation and murdering people by the thousands. What say you?

A: Well Rachel, I think this is a great time for a pointed talk on the dangers of cryptocurrency and why we need regulation.

Such a weird talking point to bring up since it’s based entirely on speculation on what may or may not be happening with crypto w.r.t. sanctions. Comes out of hiding to go on the air for a few minutes and wants to do half of her bit on crypto? Where was she and her corporate-owned establishment team of milquetoast puppets when these dudes were racking up billions, possibly trillions, before crypto even existed? NOW they’re worried about shit and it’s a crypto problem?

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