The Crypto Thread

Just what is so embarrassing about it? Seemed fine to me… I was able to read and understand the email. Really I think a Jr high level of writing maximum is what should be used for almost any sort of communication. Are you wanting them to pull out a thesaurus lol

I’m sure the French translation was much more eloquent

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I would expect basic professionalism when dealing with a subpoena?

It reminds me of the scene in The Big Short when the two guys are giddy over the market crashing and Pitt laye into them. If fiat is worth nothing, we’re at countless dead and homeless people. They think this is funny, or worth rooting for.


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Inflation hedge and flight to safety right

Also very much a store of value, totally normal stuff here


I mean this seems like a pretty arbitrary, if amusing, criticism. Like what even makes an ad agency, isn’t the old adage ‘50% of advertising works, it’s just that nobody knows which 50%’

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That letter is really dumb, and even as someone who finds this stuff interesting makes me think their company is run by morons.

This whole pearl clutching slippery slope bullshit over the trucker convoy just shows how good conservatives are at baiting liberals. You know how conservatives got so powerful in the US? By not giving a shit about arguments like this and just power grabbing at every opportunity.


Isn’t that price higher than the last time you shared an update of the Bitcorn price with us


I think the lol bitcoin is overblown, but I do think there are real warning lights flashing on the near-term inflation hedge thesis. BTC is sort of underperforming both holding fiat and risk assets in an inflationary environment over the last year and now we seem to be heading into a rate hike cycle that will make holding zero-yield assets less attractive. Obviously a different story on returns longer-term, but part of why I’m very skeptical of the risk/reward at current levels.

Yeah I will be looking to draw down my crypto holdings, but it’s difficult because I also need to buy monkey jpgs.


I wouldn’t really want to hold those into a tightening cycle either. I could see the trading environment becoming either more or less profitable, hard to say, but I don’t think holding the “blue chippers” into a tightening cycle is super attractive.


“Our ad was better than the Larry David and Lebron James ads. It was so good that it crashed our servers for the millionth time.”

Seems likely the server crash was planned by the way they’re instantly crowing about it.

Their servers crash all the time whenever bitcoin price plunges/pumps. Not sure if they just suck at handling increases in traffic or if there is something more cynical happening.

They have the highest fees and terrible customer service, btw.

When manks floor was 0.35 ETH I was thinking damn I like this but missed it and ended up buying none. Ragrets


Currently sitting next to someone in an XRP ledger hoodie.

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This on chain monkey sold for 50 eth a day ago. Am I reading this right? What’s going on here?

This one sold for 44 eth 2 days ago.

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