The Crypto Thread

If I thought something was bad and a twitter account with hundreds of thousands of followers made a long thread to draw attention to the issue I’d be applauding it not directing my fury at him. :man_shrugging:

So you’re pro trucker convoy? :zipper_mouth_face:

I don’t understand. Do you think anyone here supports the US’s actions or is a cheerleader for the US government in any way?

I’m anti-civil forfeiture my friend.


I think the edge case of “white supremacists are trying to overthrow a democratically elected government” overrides the “Civil forfeiture is bad” line, but thats just my opinion.

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Think of the smart contract as an escrow contract. Nothing can get sold or an offer accepted without the token and the eth going to the smart contract at the same time.

Seriously what a post. “Oh so you’re pro dealing drugs?” “So you’re pro money laundering?” “So you’re pro-crime?”

Just change “white” to “black” and we can seize the bank accounts of these antifa BLM protesters before it’s too late.

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Civil forfeiture is bad. Crypto doesn’t solve this. And I didn’t need a 56 tweet thread to make my point.

I get those letters in the mail every week!

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It could solve it. No amount of subpoenas or warrants to bitcoin customer service will yield the keys the cops desire. Any legit bank would roll over


If blm protestors were trying to overthrow the government that would have happened!

Like what do you think happens if instead of peaceful protests BLM goals were to occupy Washington until Trump was removed from office and were going to block borders, roads etc until he was?

You don’t have to defend this dude, its a bad look!

Live look at me washing my jpegs



I expect governments will institute more KYC regs as a cost of being allowed to do business as crypto grows. Blockchain as a technical solution to avoid government power on these sorts of issues seems somewhat akin to the old Ron Paul backer delegate strategy from back in the day. If the entity that makes the rules finds this to be a problem they will just change the rules.

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Why do all these people have the language skills of a Jr high student? That you could send that and not be embarrassed is wild.

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We want widespread adoption vs we don’t want to comply with governments when people are funding plots to overthrow them

You seem awfully furious today and I have no idea why.

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I get that this place is overwhelmingly American but I feel like if I had gone in the Jan 6 thread and said “why are you guys upset?” That would have been seen as trolling

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They weren’t? Damn BLM just got lamer imo.