The Crypto Thread

When is the last time you saw a good slippery slope argument?

Like what is the slippery slope Canada is descending down? Is this horseshoe theory? That the (center) left wing government, cracking down on illegal protests by right wing nutjobs trying to overthrow them…will do right wing stuff because they’re cracking down on illegal transactions?

Btw I do have an infantile knowledge of politics too, so it’s possible I’m massively wrong about all of this. I try to spend as little amount of time on it as possible and it’s improved my life tremendously. So maybe the stuff happening in Canada is actually totally normal, but it surprised me to hear about it. And I was not sure if you can directly compare to 2p2er banks getting flagged for gambling stuff since this action feels more politically charged in nature. The people on 2p2 aren’t getting flagged as terrorists like the truckers are they?

I wouldn’t say it’s totally normal. This is the first use of the emergencies act. But I have friends in Ottawa who have had their lives been hell of late bc of the protests. People who can’t work or sleep. Police wouldn’t do anything.

When you donate money to white nationalist insurrectionists, you run a risk that your money might be in trouble. I am perfectly OK with that!

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I don’t know what the horseshoe theory is but basically the slippery slope part would be that the definition of what is a terrorist action gets more and more thin, and that when a right wing government of Canada takes power (or USA really which is the part I’m worried about since I’m not Canadian). Like instead of Trudeau shutting off people’s bank accounts for blocking a highway it’s Trump seizing my assets because I called him a dotard on Twitter

I have some concerns, but also am fairly certain those bad things still could have happened in the future without what Canada is doing to the truckers and that whatever that guy wants to do for the world would be worse for the groups he mentions should be worried about precedent.

Also fuck the truckers.


The USA is 100000x further down the slope than Canada currently is. Like, we barely have civil forfeiture in Canada! It’s worth like $20 million a year here!

Civil forfeiture in the USA is worth ~$12 billion a year. It’s exactly the slippery slope the dude is “scared of!” No trial. Guilty until you give up because you have no recourse.

A right wing government in the USA can do whatever they want! We know this! Trump showed this! They could nuke California and get away with it, being worried about crypto is hilarious.

In Canada, in a parliamentary system where right wing Canadian politicians are afraid to even oppose abortion? Loooooll come on.


Yep, the actual slippery slope to Canadians losing their rights like USA #1 citizens is allowing the wealthy to dominate elections via the money = speech theory this guy is maniacally tweeting in support of.

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I hope this is part of the script for the next Matt Damon advert.

They didn’t steal any Riverman DAO did they?

No, but some asshole dropped the floor to 69.420e.

I’ve always thought this was the way to do it if you’re a whale, really don’t understand the people with all of their valuable assets in one wallet especially a hot one

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Oh boy. I’ve got some bad news for you.




The “that didn’t even happen in third Reich Germany, Russia or china” bit is amazing. Just absolutely no knowledge of basic history but absolute confidence they were right.

Dunning-Kruger in its purest form. Everyone is a genius in a bull market.

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You can’t shout “Manitoba isn’t real” in a crowded theater.



“digital currency” is the kind of currency you can touch with your fingers

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