The Crypto Thread

Discussion on The Financial Diet channel with Dan Olson - maker of that video that split opinion somewhat.

In this episode, Chelsea speaks with Dan Olson from @Folding Ideas to discuss his recent explainer video on the danger of crypto and NFTs.

(runtime - just over an hour)

I found this really interesting - watch it or don’t.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Amazon sends emails that look exactly like phishing emails all the time. They link off to synchrony bank or whatever new bank is handling the Amazon store credit card. Yes let’s just train people to click links to random sites they’ve never heard of as part of an official credit card communication!

Maybe open sea will finally die, which seems to be something everyone can agree would be a good thing.

Click a mouse lose a house, only for real?

Thread with the really wonky stuff. Maybe goofy can weigh in.

It’s crazy to think that people dreaming ingenious exploits to drain people’s wallets via smart contracts is probably still in its infancy. At the same time you’d assume security and best practices around the exchanges will also beef up over time. It will be an arms race. If people lose confidence in Opensea, maybe they’ll actually die off an a more solid company will take over.

sorry for the sidebar, but uh man he’s starting to lose it, he got upset the canadian leader account tweeted congratulating the olympians on medals b/c it wasn’t about the truckers, then tweeted articles about how he’s gonna lose b/c of this

except canadians actually aren’t in favor of the protesting truckers. Other side if anything.

He’s pretty close to where I’d be asking him if he was okay and maybe try to slyly pull some info if he has some symptoms he’s noticed lately…

I’ve played too many old games that are still getting new strategies from people looking at the code to think anything other than eventually exploits win.

people are gonna have to split up their NFT’s in various wallets so when they accidentally click something, it only got some instead of the entire account. We have to do that with all other assets.

I’ve never worked in the medical device industry, or for NASA, or anything like that where the price of a programming bug is potentially death. But whatever their code validation processes are, NFTs need to emulate that.

The banking industry has similar need for stringent code review. But not quite as severe, since lost money isn’t necessarily gone forever. If the bank screws up and puts $1M in your account, you aren’t allowed to keep it, and they will do everything they can to claw it back.

I guess stonk exchanges where something like a flash crash can lose $millions or $billions in an instant is a comparable level of bug tolerance.

Seems like the answer is going to be something like a second-generation smart contract framework that puts plenty of guardrails around what it can and can’t do.

The only Canadians I’ve met that are in favor of the convoy also liked Trump. So maybe 15% or so of the population? Maybe might be low and it’s 25%?

Good thread about Canada and why what’s happening there is concerning

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Jesus christ Canada doesn’t have a constitution how can you write a tweet thread and get the first fucking sentence wrong.

What an absolute moron.
Oh, in his next tweet he mentions constitutional democracies again. Something Canada is not.

You’re being sarcastic in posting that, right?

Please crypto bros, learn jr high civics before you’ve bought your 45th shit coin.

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Like the dude doesn’t even know what “innocent until proven guilty” means! He’s really, really dumb!

In your estimation are the other 75% pleased with what is happening (at least given the heavy handed approach taken)?

Pretty much. The protestors, especially with Trump, Q and Nazi flags have been seen as American/wanting that kind of stuff. Penalizing those flouting covid restrictions has also been popular here. Kind of like how kicking out Djokovic played down under.

Sun Media always hates anything left of Murdoch so they don’t like it, but the rest of local media has not painted the convoy in a good light.


Why does that even matter? It’s like I shared an essay and you made fun of a few typos in it. Very genius of you to be a civics wizard, thanks for the lesson. Anyway the point of the thread is that a government having the ability to seize your bank accounts without due process is maybe not a good thing. If it happened in China I’d be like ok whatever makes sense but it happening in Canada seemed kind of surprising to me. Trump probably wishing he thought of using that tactic. Maybe the next Trump will.

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It’s not typos. It’s basically the central thesis! He didn’t know the kind of government Canada has. He doesn’t know what “innocent until proven guilty” means. They are unaware that there is no “freedom of speech” in Canada. It’s a pretty distinctly American thing. They are unaware of our charter and thus our rights are different from those in America. They seem to think American rights and culture are universal in Western nations, when they are not.

The Hitler/Mao/Stalin point was the dumbest thing I’ll read all week.

The dictator stuff is dumb as shit too? If you’re a dictator…you’ll stop your opponent from spending money in an election? The US is basically the only nation on earth where money is important for getting elected! And if you’re a dictator, uh, you’re just poisoning your opponents! You don’t campaign outside of elections in Canada. Our elections cycle is just a couple of months. Election spending is low, and highly regulated.

That dude would instantly be the dumbest person on UP. Every point was insanely dumb and showed an infantile knowledge of politics.

Do you not think way more bank accounts are seized/frozen in the USA daily than were frozen by Canada here? It’s not even close! Like just from 2p2 I know hundreds of people who had problems with banks who don’t love gambling! One gaming transaction and their accounts were closed! There were times when there were handfuls of threads a week on 2p2 about this!


Several of the discord members (including me) have invested in an OpenSea alternative, so I hope you’re right!

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Click mouse, lose jpeg house


Still laughing at the “wouldn’t it be absolutely awful for democracy if we didn’t allow unlimited dark money donations to politicians” tweet.
A real gem.

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So is your position that what the Canadian government is doing here is totally fine and there’s nothing to worry about in terms of a slippery slope situation?