The Crypto Thread

A few weeks ago we got angry rants about how CRYPTO IS JUST FOR THE CRIMEZ and now we get angry rants about how CRYPTO IS BAD FOR THE CRIMEZ SO IT IS DOOMED. Neither argument really makes any sense somehow.


I think part of the government solution to crypto taxation concerns will be putting FBAR like rules and penalties on declaring crypto accounts. That way, yeah, you can have a million dollars with crypto that the government doesnt know about but if they do end up finding it (as you point out, likely upon trying to turn into government currencies), the penalties will be draconian like they are with FBAR.

Also makes enforcement easier because you dont have to unwind 100 different transactions or anything. Just you didnt declare this bitcoin so we fine you $100K per year per account like with foreign accounts under the FBAR.

Like with FBAR rules theyd likely phase in with lesser penalties for voluntary declaration of unearned income before putting in rigid enforcement.

But BTC go brrrrrrrr since those statements were made so keep em coming!

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I get why you couldn’t get 4.5 billion out of a btc ATM, but why not like $1000/day? Is there a problem with doing that (from the criminals’ perspective) or is it just that they had a much bigger score in mind?

In small amounts it isnt very hard. Online gaming services have been using bitcoin for years in violation of US law with little problem and some fairly minimal precautions. Trying to do billions of stolen funds with an active FBI investigation looking for the money not really going to work without highly sophisticated actors though.

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Crypto bros have made a big deal out of how the govt won’t be able to censor my transactions and it kinda looks like they’ve done just that. I mean yeah “just don’t break the law” is good advice but BTC was supposed to be a safe haven from gov’t tyranny.

$500/day or $15k/mo was the limit from one normal financial account they had. They tried to upgrade the account, and the company wanted more information about them and the source of the funds.

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This case is so extreme that I don’t think we can use it to say anything about whether this is true or not.

You can still gamble and tip cam girls and and send money to your Ukrainian relatives without government interference, all things that fiat currency struggles with.

edit: just don’t try to tip 4.5 billion tokens and you’re good :+1:


One potential approach, buy real estate in Bitcoin in like Ecuador and sell it for cash and then move that cash to a dollar or Euro-based country? Not sure how easy it is to buy RE with bitcoin.

Tired: real estate
Wired: virtual real estate


Good writing.

Exactly. Doj could take your bank of America account without your permission or passwords, but they got these guys’ bitcoin because they got the keys. If the criminals were more secure with their keys they’d have something to bargain with now that they’re in jail. Like if they buried cash in the jungle Pablo Escobar style.

And fuck em anyway they’re thieves, I’m glad they got got


What is he saying here at 18:36… “That’s where you find ___” ?

“Ethereum vs. Alt L1s - with Su Zhu and Hasu by Uncommon Core 2.0”

Yeah, they’re way too busy auditing my taxes every year to make an extra $200 bucks to do anything about multi million dollar tax cheats


they sound like the worst hackers imaginable (other than the fact that for a time they stole more than $3 billion worth of BTC)

Something something taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy


why didn’t they just launder ten million through NFTs?

Can the cops steal my racist ape jpgs?

The federal charge sheet mentions that they bought NFTs.