The Crypto Thread

What is it about this particular piece of art that deemed it worthy for you to purchase?

Oh, yeah!
You gotta get swstry
You gotta get swstry in here
It’s time to get swstry
You gotta get swstry
Oh yeah

Take a shit on the floor
Take off your panties and your pants
It’s time to get swstry in here


aside from the heavy influence of Mondrian you also get the really big bold colors evocative of Rothko. the word “swstry” at the bottom is a reference to-- well that’s obvious. and for a machine intelligence to create this is a big deal, because the machines are who will surpass us in capabilities and live on much longer and do greater things than any human could dream of doing. AI are the children of all humanity in that way. so it’s like a child’s painting too, it’s primitive but it reminds us of the incredible potential and deadly inevitability of the end of our dominance as the most advanced species on the planet.



“Rich people control something.”

Does he discover gravity or prove the tooth fairy isn’t real in his other videos?

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I have no idea what it is referencing…

I feel that to understand and appreciate the crypto couple in full would be to unlock the true nature of modern reality.

I looked at it more of “what social problem is it overcoming?” The adoption hurdle, when there isn’t an immediate and strong incentive for the adopter, makes it more difficult to get these kinds of things off the ground. Other companies have done it by either upfronting a lot of the capital or sneaking it in under the radar like Amazon did recently by sneaking in a clause in their hardware update saying they’re going to siphon off a portion of the user’s bandwidth, and then hoped people wouldn’t get too mad.

The cypto aspect lessens that hurdle because you’re paying a bit back to the adopter, and since it’s not tied to any specific company you don’t have to worry that the boutique company that sold you the device is going to go belly up and stop paying you.


So the real-world use case of Bitcoin is that the govt can track it and arrest me if I buy things I’m not allowed to?

I read the DOJ statement of facts lodged with the court. They tracked that stuff pretty hard. Then they got a warrant and searched his devices and found a spreadsheet with 2000 accounts and keys. Looks like good investigative work.

So, pretty far away from being unregulated and untraceable, the blockchain actually inserts MORE government overreach into your money without the assurance of FDIC insured funds?

Guys Bitcoin is totally awesome it DECENTRALIZES money and DEMOCRATIZES finance and it’s really great because the government can’t interfere with its promoters’ very normal totally not speculative and fraud riddled mission to bring fake money that’s really only valuable if you can turn it into real money to the masses. Also it’s a good sign that the government can indeed seize it and be completely up in your shit if they want to because that shows how legitimate and wonderful this fake money is even though this argument directly contradicts the it’s awesome because governments can’t touch it bullshit but pipe down and HOLD!


Need to capitalize more random words to get your point across.


Something that’s clear from the government statement of facts is that the thiefs tried, and did, move a part of their haul into crypto-er currency designed to be more secretive. I didn’t recognize the names, but the crypto criminals are aware of the issue and are working on it, sort of.

The other thing that’s clear is they were thwarted in many places by Know Your Client regulations and bailed on a couple of million in some accounts when the companies asked follow up questions about IDs or the source of the funds.

Here’s the statement:

It’s fine if you just HODL it and you don’t try buying goods and services with your BTC.

The feds got 3.6BN from the original wallet behind the theft because 80% of the bitcoins never moved.

If and when the government decides to get serious about tax enforcement re: Bitcoin, gg.

The US government getting serious about tax enforcement? Serious WE GOT EM vibes here.


Yeah this lol. As someone who works in tax regulation in Australia governments are clueless. Cannot imagine them ever bothering, put it in the too hard basket.

This is 100% true from the statement. These guys could figure out how to hack the coins but not how to efficiently convert them to currency, even though they took reasonable sophisticated measures.