The Crypto Thread

How the hell did some of you get to 15 minutes? I Seacrested out in under 60 seconds.

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instead of tired youtubes (btw youtube is a racist disinformation website used by neonazis to overthrow democracy and murder us) i thought these two articles from last summer were pretty good at capturing what’s going on.


Thanks. I’ll read them at work tomorrow. Learning + getting paid is fun.


I also don’t get why people who have their video in segments do the 2 hour ones either.

Wouldn’t you get more views breaking it up into shorter videos, especially if you have edited breaks in already?

To be fair he does correctly point out ‘bad’ things about crypto and NFTs, which is I guess the point of his video. But it’s all presented in absolutist terms as ‘THE problem’… when in reality he’s just taking slices out of the big pictures and focusing on scams and bad actors. Someone could just as easily make a 2h15m video mentioning all the positives about NFT/crypto.

Bitcorns go up

Long YouTube videos might make sense if you are recording video versions of a podcast, although maybe a two-hour should be broken up into something that fits the length of a commute.

The fact that I missed out on pudgy penguins is my deepest NFT regret. I would’ve gone all in if I had known about it when it launched.


The best analogy is just gambling, except that picking a winner promises status as well as money. You can read the links beetlejuice just posted to get a sense for this. Or here is the pinned tweet of a guy who refused a $9.5 million offer for his avatar pic:

These guys are dead fucking serious about this. It’s why I keep calling back to early internet articles like “nerd gets married in EverQuest; more invested in character than in his own life”. I mean shit, back during the Great Moderation Debates we had people talking about how important “this community” is to some members, an internet message board. These guys grew up with crypto, got rich with crypto, it’s a subculture embedded into their identities in a profound way.

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oh yeah. these guys revel in being “degens” with the same zeal the online poker guys did

You also cannot tell me that the “Ship It Holla Ballas” were anything less than 100% as douchey as the douchiest cryptobros on the planet. It looks different when you’re inside the tent.


And if you’re outside the tent you might miss how much of it is ironic, self-deprecating in-jokes.


2 hour youtubes are definitely a thing. Youtube has been incentivizing creators to focus on watch time rather than total views for some time now.

Coincidentally, my monkey’s been watching 2-hour youtubes recently, and now he’s full-blown QAnon.



Are they maxing watch time by getting people to fall asleep and let two hour videos play until the end?

Riverman after 20 minutes of watching that video:



This is a really excellent post and my experience has been almost identical to what you describe. My life and mental state have drastically improved since I stopped reading about politics constantly and started trading jpegs, and that would still be true if I hadn’t made a dime doing it.


I think he is talking about productive assets… like if I have an apartment, I don’t need to sell it to someone for a higher price because I can just rent it out.

Online poker stopped being fun when the games started to suck. Is the fun part collecting jpegs or is it making money collecting jpegs?

Speaking of online poker, I just looked at the twitter accounts of some of the old online poker players for the first time and I guess they are all crypto bros now.