The Crypto Thread


This is a really good post.

Iā€™m not sure if there are any other new people just getting into this, but Iā€™m up to chat with anyone in here whoā€™s getting into this stuff.

Just got my Coinbase account set up. Now to see if my bank will let me transfer in some cashā€¦

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Iā€™m crypto-curious. I set up a coinbase account to get $200 onto Ignition poker and have run it up to $4200. Would be willing to watch up to $2K get vaped in the crypto market.

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I know this is 2 hours but it is so well done and a great video about the current state of NFTs.

The Problem With NFTs

Should probably be said that itā€™s a particularly precarious and uncertain time to buy into crypto at the moment, thereā€™s been a lot of gloom and bearish sentiment in both the Discord and crypto Twitter over the last few days. Much depends on what happens with stonks. I believe some people in the Discord hold short positions on BTC/ETH, personally I would probably liquidate some BTC if I could, but I have a limited amount that I have held long enough to get CGT discount, and as I sell that Iā€™m converting it to ETH to play around with NFTs. So Iā€™m a bit bearish, but clearly not THAT bearish. All that said, line go up, line go down, you canā€™t explain that.

Itā€™s been posted a couple times already. Itā€™d be nice if somebody could do like an executive summary or something, because thereā€™s not a chance in hell Iā€™m watching a 2 hour uToob.


lol, time to rename the thread, it seems.

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My basic premise was that this stuff would always moon during the pandemic, but the pandemic has peaked a few more times than expected.

Iā€™m usually not one to watch 2 hour youTubes but I did watch this one and he doesnā€™t waffle and packs a lot into those 2 hours so it would take a non trivial effort to summarise it fairly.

He breaks it into multi chapters so there are natural break points and he has an easy style so it isnā€™t a slog.

i tried too and i started getting bummed out like ā€œomg this guy wasted several hours of his life making a video about why someone elseā€™s hobby sucksā€. but at least heā€™s got something going on, idk if he makes a career out of making videos about topics he does superficial research on, so if heā€™s looking for videos to make i guess this is a topic. but really what bums me out is the thought that regular people are wasting 2 hours of their lives WATCHING this video about why someone elseā€™s hobby sucks. like who does this? do people watch a video by a guy who just learned about golf telling them why golf is horrible? is that what the world outside of the discord is doing now?

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the sad TRUTH about swiss-made wristwatches [youtube] 1:55:20



Thereā€™s your summary ZZ - itā€™s about how someone elseā€™s hobby sucks.

I didnā€™t mean for my post to come across as shitting on the Discord BTW. I am just an idiot on the subject. I thought his video was well researched and had some valid points. Iā€™m sure he has a bias, but it all seemed well thought out and put together.

I tried to watch this when it was first posted and made it about 15 minutes in. The guy is a NFT mega hater (literally the first few sentences out of his mouth might be a bit of a tip off) and manages to find some problematic aspects of it! No way!

iā€™m sure it does if you donā€™t know anything about the topic, he seems really thorough except for when he casually throws out stuff like, ā€œbtw thereā€™s no actual use for crypto at allā€. but iā€™m just thinking like, what are you gonna do with this information now? now that youā€™re fully educated about why bayc and nfts and crypto are all a big scam. itā€™s the same shit we fell for for 5 years with trump, like heā€™s doing illegal shit and theyā€™re gonna get him. ā€œhe canā€™t get away with that!ā€ remember we used to waste our days away thinking shit like that? not me. not anymore. iā€™m out there having fun in our stupid world. yeah itā€™s stupid, so what? fuckin enjoy life. itā€™s possible, find another hobby and itā€™s possible. rn so many peopleā€™s hobby is doomscrolling. bad news so they gotta read every angle of possible takes on this bad news bad bad bad blah blah blah. my twitter feed is just joy and fun cartoons. ā€œoh thatā€™s niceā€ is my most common reaction to twitter now.

i feel like i broke out of a bad cycle thinking about current events in america. americaā€™s done, and iā€™m over it. so even though iā€™m sure the vast majority of people who chose to start watching that video were already angry about NFTs and crypto for whatever reason and they wanted their viewpoint supported, iā€™m bummed out that someone neutral to nfts/crypto would watch it and not change their lives for the better. i know probably a dozen people all from this site weā€™re posting on now, whose lives were made better through crypto/nfts. my life has been made better through crypto/nfts.

rolex manufactures a limited edition watch. who would watch a video describing how itā€™s artificial scarcity and they could make a ton more watches if they wanted? and a ton of rolex owners are jerks? so what? donā€™t buy one, then


Two hour YouTubes are amazing if they are EDM mixes tbf


People should get into NFTs if it sounds like the kind of thing they would enjoy, they should not get into it if it doesnā€™t appeal to them and they are just jelly about others making $$$.

Maybe the best analogies are just the most direct ones, trading cards and games with a prize element?

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Watched on 2x speed and skipped in 15-30s increments. None of his points are interesting. 100% focus on all of the ā€˜badā€™ aspects of NFTs/Crypto that we all know about and simply donā€™t care. Is the space full of scammers and stupid shit? Absolutely. Are there improvements that can be made to blockchains? Absolutely.


Genius take here; I guess every asset class ever is a scam then.


Bernie Madoff traded stocks therefore all stocks are scams. Also that Milken guy. Scam scam scam.

One of the reasons I refuse to watch argumentative YooToobz longer than like 5 minutes is that itā€™s a massive barrier to entry to commenting on or refuting the content. Like if I know what Iā€™m talking about on the subject then Iā€™m definitely not going to commit the time to watch it, and I expect itā€™s the same for anyone else well versed and with an opposite viewpoint. Meaning that if Iā€™m still learning about the subject, there might be refutations and alternative viewpoints of which Iā€™m simply unaware. If I read articles, I can then go read commentary and discussion of them. Or I can quote paragraphs of them and just go ask people on Reddit or wherever. There is never any oppositional commentary on Bret Weinstein podcasts, for example, because nobody who isnā€™t a Weinstein fan listens to them.