The Crypto Thread

I dipped my toe in the discord but got the sense it required a lot more effort and daily management than I was willing to put in.

Any suggestions on a crypto investment that you could just hold for a year?

I buy a jpeg or coin, i sell said item a few minutes/hours/days/weeks later, sometimes i make a profit sometimes i don’t. How the hell is that not an investment? The crypto market as a whole being a bubble is completely irrelevant to that.

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Typically I think of “investment” as something you hold long-term and generates value through dividends or interest or something like that. If you’re flipping monkey jpgs it’s more what I would call speculation.

Just wait until the Aku ones come out!


Speculating is still an investment, just a higher risk one

webster’s dictionary defines Speculation as “use of a medical device by gynecologists to open the walls of the vagina to examine the vagina and cervix”

now that doesn’t sound like buying and selling monkey jpegs or coins at all. that’s called investing.


ethereum coin is a fine one to buy and forget about for a year. probably the lowest risk within this sphere we’re playing around in.

as someone who bought eth for 4750 in november, i refute this historical chronicling


All I hear is 1.3k in January 2018 and over 3k in January 2021.


oh for sure, that’s why i wanted to qualify it with “in this sphere” lol

maybe bayc you could buy and forget about. enough rappers/celebrities are buying into it that it’s just a matter of time before they’re mentioned in rap songs along with rolexes, ferraris and dom perignon. bayc hasn’t even really hit yet, we’re still early. a mutant ape for 50k still seems like a bargain to me

fuck you and goofy

i think about 90-95% of the discord is thinking about it exactly like this. unless eth price is skyrocketing, then everyone finds their faith.

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hey, i didn’t have anything to do with that shit, and if you keep this up i’m cutting you out of my will

thats why i added goofy. you will always be included in any fuck you


I figured you would be leaving everything to the church.

I haven’t kept up with this thread but from a quick skim I get a sense that things like this are thrown around in a light-hearted jokey way but the current mod team is trying to crack down on people actually going after one another’s mental health on here, so I’m going to ask that you keep it to calling each other assholes and telling people “fuck you” for selling JPEGs for thousands of dollars.


FBI has that variant on their watchlist. Tough break, bro.




Lots of people (usually young) actively invest (more often than not to their detriment) these days without giving two issues about the long term thesis of any of this. Equities are going to zero just like crypto is.