The Crypto Thread

No, I’m not arguing you’ll be fucked at all. If you’ve already made money and have a stop-loss you’ll obviously make out fine.

I’m saying that’s the dynamic that is going to send an asset into free-fall with nothing to lure value buyers back in to prop it up. If that happens, clearly someone will be left holding the bag.

Ugh i understand that. Why did he respond that to my post.

Investing in that jpeg is diff than other jpegs because manks?

Sure who cares? Buy sell keep some for moon purposes and be as happy as that beetlejuice asshole

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Great we agree. Why are we yelling at each other?

Manks are not short term buys - unless you are a dirty flipper.

It’s been pretty historically stable, so it isn’t one of those NFTs that you have to be constantly monitoring 24/7 looking to flip


Devoted fan base. They’re doing something different. Interesting/cool design style

Anyways, is this accurate?

No idea. Literally everyone here agrees that bored nazi apes can go to zero.

I know what is stopping me from being not poor. It’s not “bubble tulips dotcom”. That would be idiotic because as we just agreed on, it has nothing to do with this. For some reason you come back to it, even though you agreed

I think you jumped into the middle of a back and forth between me and DUCY - go back and read his posts. That’s what I was responding to.

this is where i struggle. what are they ‘doing’? they look like shit. just as all pfp do.

They put the whole image into a code that is part of the token. Almost no projects do this because it’s unnecessary and takes a lot of work and it doesn’t look great at the end. So it’s like an artisinal NFT.

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yeah but who cares? this feel precisely the shit that will crash the fastest once the novelty wears off. it’s still a pfp of a badly drawn somewhat racist looking monkey.

(obv that means nothing about its value in the short term and i’m sure everyone who held it have done great for themselves and their lives are far better than mine. just like saying shit like ‘the code is part of the token’ as to why that monkey jpeg has long term value is precisely getting high on your own supply)

You say that like racist imagery is going to go out of style anytime soon.

racist imagery ON THE BLOCKCHAIN (literally this time)

Shit, has anyone made explicitly racist NFTs? Surely you could make money selling them to 4channers and St@rmFr@nt types.

fuck you

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How much would someone have paid in 2016 to be the official owner of Pepe? Could have been a gold mine for NFTs.

also super racist