The Crypto Thread

its true. before the dotcom bubble burst people thought internet and tech are the future. imagine investing in that internet nonsense. as if someone is going to buy things online


And then just as now, no one said the internet was a fad that was going away, just that current valuations, IPO craziness, and the like weren’t justified by any logic other than, “Yeah but my stock keeps going up! PPPPTHHHHH! Suck it haterz!”

My uncles were in a mutual fund called Munder Net Net. One got out near the top. The other lost a significant chunk of his net worth. Years later he still wouldn’t talk about it.

You should make a MM account, but don’t send the funds there first. You will need to get the funds to the chain the game is on (e.g. avalanche, Harmony, polygon). Sending from you eth MM wallet will add an additional transaction with associated gas costs.

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We’ve had this discussion before. People 100% said shopping on the internet was a fad and that e-retailers like Amazon would get curb stomped long term by brick and mortar like B&N.

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Suzzer single-handedly close to convincing me to get involved in crypto.


so be like your smart uncle and not the dumb one.

if your uncle wasn’t overinvested in a specific channel and kept investing in tech companies after the crash he’d buy you an island now. 99% of the people who were against dotcom companies were morons spewing what you have now. not tech savvy people who thought the market overvalues some aspects of the upcoming revolution. online shopping was the future. those idiots on the messageboards you’re gloating on were prophets.

there is no ‘new paradigm’. never have been. just nonsense you tell yourself because you are either incapable of learning new things or don’t have the desire. i can relate.

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dunno what that means :frowning:

You understand the plan is to try to bail out at the top, right? I think Bitcoins and pudgies are a bubble but it’s still worthwhile to gamble on.

The plan should be to make enough that a crash would still keep you way ahead

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Sure maybe some people did. But there was plenty of smart money who thought the internet was perfectly viable, just not at the mania prices dotcom stocks were going for, and all the other chicanery around IPOs and tracking stocks and free money, etc.

Sure if you want to play the game. I don’t because I know I would suck at it. When people like me finally capitulate and get into something like this, you can pretty much call the top at that point.

But there seem to be two separate points of view itt: 1) it’s a bubble and I’m going to win, 2) it’s not a bubble shut up old man stop talking about dotcoms.

If only it were possible to maintain a level head while still investing some fun money in this space. Too bad

Right. Which means you have a stop-loss sale price and you stick to it. What do you think happens to the price of an asset when a ton of stop-loss sales get executed in cascading fashion?

No one thinks it’s not a bubble.

It is. I have nothing against that and I’m very impressed with what you’ve done. If I wasn’t fascinated by the whole thing I wouldn’t be in this thread.

I’m just stating my opinions occasionally and usually responding to very specific questions or attacks.

I’m honestly open to the new ideas and I try to at least consider each one. When I’m asking questions like “What’s to stop the price of BTC or an NFT if it goes into freefall?” it’s not rhetorical. If someone can convince me there’s a value floor, like say corporate earnings, or when a house payment gets cheaper than rent, I’m all ears.

Maybe talk to DUCY about that. He thinks it’s an investment. Kind of hard to believe something is an investment and a bubble at the same time imo.

You lose and take a vacation in your private island?

Why did you post this? My point was that your goal should be to take profits along the way while keeping an exposure that won’t ruin you if things go bad and not to “time the top”.

Your reply was “well if things go bad you’ll be fucked”.

I guess you took after the less successful uncle


Why was that a response to my post?

That’s onchainmonkey

Lot of members are holding the project long term and they’re relatively down to earth in price