The Crypto Thread

21 trillion dollar market cap = roughly half of all fiat in the world. Seems problematic.

So all of you have Beetle like ROI? Pretty dope. I was of the opinion it was a zero sum game and there were plenty of losers to go around. Good for you all.



the action or process of investing money for profit or material result

Definition of invest

(Entry 1 of 2)

1: to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return

A bunch of us started staking a game this month and everybody whoā€™s been in it for over a week has ~doubled up already.

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Until the point that youre late

I doubt Beetle has the highest ROI but heā€™s one of the top earners. The answer to your question is no but I know suzzer has said heā€™s almost retired anyway and this could have easily pushed him over the edge and padded his retirement funds.

Of course there are tons of losers to go around in this space, I said that in a previous post. The whole point of the discord is to help each other not be a loser and it has worked.

Looks like you can get for $10 (assuming these are real).

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The threads sort of merged but there are really two different discussions happening that are being conflated. One is about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin while the other is really just about collectibles, so the posts that are along the lines of ā€œcollectibles are bubbles which is why bitcoin is going to crashā€ are pretty silly. I really donā€™t feel like currencies themselves having long-term viability will dictate whether digital collectibles exist and are valuable in the future.


Iā€™m sure the anti-tulip people heard the same spiel. I know the dotcom bears did. This time is different. You just donā€™t understand the new paradigm. Get out of the way or get run over old man.

For those not on the super exclusive NFL mailing list:

Sure I gamble. Iā€™ve more than doubled my nest egg since covid. I made an 8-bagger on AMC (totally by accident). Iā€™m still holding cruise ship and oil company stonks.

And I donā€™t really believe in stonks either. Stonks are probably going to crash someday as well. Iā€™m just hoping the US money printer outlives me.

But I understand stonks and their patterns - just like you guys to with crypto. Since Iā€™ll always be way behind the curve with crypto, Iā€™m just not going to play.

Stop thinking in web2 terms like ā€œdollarsā€ and ā€œmarket capā€. Weā€™re rewriting the rules of economics here.

Probably easier to get help in discord (there are a few steps and people will be happy to walk you through every one). If you want to do games, I probably wouldnā€™t send direct to MM but instead something like a Kucoin account. Youā€™re going to need to get the funds on whatever chain the game is on, so it just adds transaction cost to send to MM eth wallet first.


8-bagger better mean 10MM+


You think Iā€™d be talking to you nincompoops if I was that baller?

Youā€™re speaking with the confidence of such a man. Are you bragging about making a 100% roi on 8k to prove youā€™re the more sophisticated investor?

Maybe you donā€™t understand just how rich the discord is


lol at people writing ā€˜i donā€™t believe inā€™ without being ironic. amazing.

it would be nice if some of the new discord people chime in with their journey (if they like). I know @fatboy8 and @JohnnyTruant are relatively new full time regs.

the issue with the whole discord thing to me (other than pure unadulterated hatred) is that there are basically 0 investments where you can put some money in and check the next day/week what happened. everything requires 24/7 attention and you will probably lose a shitton if you donā€™t sell/buy in time, with time being a matter of hours at best.

definitely not true in the liquidity pool/defi/staking realm which arguably has been the hottest area of crypto the last few weeks.

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I was responding to a question asking if I even gamble. FWIW my nest egg = all the money Iā€™ve saved in my life to this point. Nothing earth-shattering, but thankfully a little more than $8k.

I have a pretty good inkling that most of you can buy and sell me many times over. Stratospheric amounts of money doesnā€™t preclude the existence of a bubble, more like the opposite.