The Crypto Thread

People are absolutely going to get fired for embezzling company funds and using them to buy NFT game assets for some crappy dog walking sim they play during work hours.

The parry timing is brutal on NFTs to be honest

Crytpo-assets as a vehicle for sticking it to the man and democratizing the financial industry is dumb as shit. Crytpo-assets as a vehicle for people to show off clout tracks 1000% with all of recorded human history from the pyramids to Kate Spade handbags.


Are you saying in web3 ill get paid for my posting? Will I be able to backdate that to my 55K 2+2 posts?

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There is no earthly way the tulip bros were as annoying.

Lol, the crowd is like “shut the fuck up and spin some discs, jackass.”

Just yesterday the discord was gifted an easy quarter million for simply using the world’s largest nft marketplace. A new marketplace issued what are effectively ownership shares in itself to people based on publicly-available usage data.

This type of thing has happened multiple times in the last few months. If 2p2 were web3 the new russian owners woulda paid us stock based on our posting, yeah. But it’s nazi pedophile libertarian stuff according to some Twitter posts so better stay away. You’re really smart to ignore it.

Im not ignoring it, i just dont have the scratch to buy in. Thanks for making me feel like shit for being poor though


What value does our posting add to 2p2 that’s worth paying for? Presumably 2p2 is already operating on fairly thin margins where ads support the website and provide some profit.

this sounds like something the owner of a web2 messageboard would argue. without users the site is nothing. posting for full benefit of the site owners and expecting no remuneration is the old way. i want a new kind of internet


I saw a documentary about a group of guys creating a new internet once.

Long story short, it was so powerful it could crack any encryption on earth and they had to sabotage it by making it summon all the rats in Palo Alto.

Really makes you think


So basically 2p2 should be a CO-OP like REI that shares a chunk of its profit back with the users. Ok, maybe. But given that the entire income stream comes from the users looking at ads, that feels a bit like a perpetual motion machine.

It feels kind of like paying people to click ads, which has never really worked. The whole idea of a site like 2p2 is people should want to use it for enjoyment sake, not because they make money off it. By that logic I guess CBS should pay me for watching football on Sunday, since me watching sells ads, which creates value for the company?

I mean I guess you could be arguing that the archive of posts on 2p2 is valuable in some sense other than ad revenue of people looking at them. But I personally wouldn’t value that as worth very much.

And I know how much you love hearing this - but this was the exact rhetoric in the dotcom days. Income streams don’t matter anymore, eyeballs and engagement are the new currency. Someday we’ll all IPO ourselves. Much crazier argle bargle that I wish I could find now, because it was eerily similar. And it was all to justify why AOL was a $200B company in 1999.

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Pretty cool and altruistic that these people keep giving all the richest NFT heads more and more crypto monies out of thin air.

It’s “wealth” inequality, but ON THE BLOCKCHAIN!

Or rakeback w/e

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I’m just really struggling with the idea that me making 100k posts on 2p2 is of any value to anyone. I use ad-block. Does anyone really think that suzzer99 brings more users to 2p2?

What other value could I possibly add? Is someone going to pay me $75k to trash a brand on 2p2? Even if they were, I don’t need blockchain for that.

Maybe a few posters actually do bring in more users and drive engagement, like El Diablo or DVaut, and they might have some value, or would have back in the heyday. But no way any poster is worth squat on zombie 2p2 now.

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i want magic

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Yeah which is why you’re going to blame cynical non-believers like me for being the cause of the big crypto crash. I’ll either be the asshole who was wrong, or the asshole who destroyed our last chance at something good in the world.

But then you can be the asshole the next time things are different. I’ll be rambling incoherently and drooling into a shaving mug by then.

but 2p2 is a pretty good example tbh. sure, they specifically did pretty terribly in monetizing their own success so you’re tied to like banners or w/e, but their success was completely tied to the community. so volume alone might not be the best way to measure the value you brought but there certainly are way to measure value, or at least that’s the whole game.

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Facebook makes like 90% of its income off of ads (or did a couple years ago). Do you think they’re just being dumb about all the other ways they could monetize their community?

seems pretty redundant question to the discussion. no wonder you aren’t worth as much as eld