The Crypto Thread

If anyone could monetize their community in ways other than ads, I’d think it would be Facebook. They have the biggest online community on earth, and a shit ton of smart people making a ton of money trying to figure out how to leverage their user base make more money for the company.

wtf are you talking about. the discussion isn’t about if “ads” (as if that’s a single thing) are a way to make money.

uh huh. meanwhile

You are thinking about this all wrong. No one is paying you for your posts, you are a partner in the business in a sense. The business model would be something like this

-create a shitcoin out of thin air, lets call it KLANSKYS
-reward people KLANSKYS for visiting the website, making posts and buying stuff from the 2+2 store or advertisers
-allow people to enter freerolls with real cash prizes or a tour of the David Sklansky home for troubled youth or something by spending their KLANSKYS
-create a liquidity pool for people to convert their KLANSKYS to fiat

everyone wins.


You just said 2p2 did a bad job at monetizing their success. Presumably you meant in ways other than banner ads.

I was honestly shocked to find out Facebook makes almost all its money from ads. I figured they’d be leveraging the hell out of their user base to make money in other ways. But maybe it’s not that easy to do - is my point.

Now it all makes sense.

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2p2 did poorly but that’s not the discussion. the discussion is about the value of the actual content creators in a content-based community. which you appear to think is zero because you had an ad blocker.


So explain what that the “value of the actual content creators in a content-based community” is, other than calling it value. How can that value ever be converted to actual money? I’m all ears.

What is my value to Unstuck as the most prolific non-bot poster? How much should Zikzak be paying me for creating all this valuable content?

Content gets people to the site which brings eyeballs to the ads and other assorted 2+2 scams. Without that no one shows up.


suzzer is like an uncle tom for shitposters


Yes - so the value of the site is the ads, which is what I was saying. You can put a $$ on that and see if the math works to actually pay prolific posters. I suspect it does not.

But you could run it like a CO-OP and pay prolific posters whatever money is left over after expenses. However then you have to deal with shitposters and bots just trying to run up their post count. So you’d need some kind of community-based scoring system for posts. Either way you could do all this w/o blockchain. It could have been done 20 years ago.

Where I take issue is this idea that the content has value which is above and beyond all the ways that anyone has yet figured out how to make money off of said content. That feels like hocus pocus.

well tv has ads. so they pay the little man inside your television cause otherwise no one watches the ads.

figuring out what your value is exactly is what all those very smart people are going to do for the next decade. the one who does the best job quantifying it will be the richest.

the thought that the content creator has no value but ads will make money is the actual perpetual machine you seem to be railing against. right now it’s “people will make content for us for free >> will give them ads to buy things with the money we’re not paying them >> we rich”.

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To some degree I reject the idea that any of this is actual content. It’s more like interaction. We’re here for the same reason the old guys meet up at Starbucks every morning - the camaraderie.

They also buy coffee, which is why Starbucks puts up with them. I don’t see them as missing out on any value they create by talking to each other about their new garage door or the wife’s pot roast disaster last night.

The idea that you could have done all this 20 years ago is super tangential to what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the concept of a message board run as a CO-OP, which I’m dubious is any kind of earth-shattering new economic paradigm that’s going to turn the web upside down. I suspect the hassle of trying to run the thing and fight off the shitposters and bots would eat into a lot of the ad revenue that we’re going to distribute back to the best posters.

Ah, well then

The most dead group on Facebook is the travel bloggers forum. Because everyone just wants to promote their blog, and no one wants to read anyone else’s blog. I feel like there’s a parable here.

nothing is earth shattering. it’s a natural progression, which is already happening regardless of blockchain. you keep looking for some earth shattering thing.

but anyway discussion is played out and as you know, we’re not getting paid for this.

i’m not even exactly sure what you’re railing against now. hating nfts make sense. hating cryptobros makes sense. you’ve backed yourself into ‘new is bad old is good’ so beanie babies, tulips, dotcom.

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also you make me “side” with beetlejuice and his legion of douches. they are the enemy.


i wasn’t airdropped shit.

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