The Crypto Thread

Yeah but NFTs are analogous to scarce items in general, and there are still plenty of those which command high prices. Baseball cards are analogous to the current boom in random cartoon collectables, which I agree are largely doomed in the long run and that seems to be majority opinion even among the NFT traders here. BAYC is probably an exception, but the market is for sure over saturated.

Stupid question maybe but is it possible to verify NFT ownership anonymously? i.e. like thereā€™s a couple people here with bored ape nazi club avatars, can they post a link to show they ā€œownā€ them on the blockchain in any way?

What percentage of apes are owned by people who have exactly one ape? Whatā€™s the most owned by single person?


Can you do it here?

you can see what the wallet owns as well as the top part which can only be edited by the owner that can include twitter and instagram and whatever

If you want to see Beetleā€™s e-peen, just come out and say it.

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Cool this is the info I was looking for i.e. thereā€™s like some verification youā€™re not a right clicker if that was super important or whatever.

The difference is that MMOs are addictive and fun. There is an actual product that people pay money for - the game.

I had a coworker get fired because she was addicted to Gemstone Warrior and couldnā€™t stop playing at work. Maybe someone will get fired for constantly bragging about their NFTs in discord. But it still doesnā€™t seem the same to me.

Itā€™s gambling. Gambling is addictive and fun.

Itā€™s like sports betting, but your team is the doodleapedickbutts and the game never ends.


Do you think trading NFTs will be a sustainable gambling economy for decades?

Couple more outbreaks like this and heā€™s fired


I dunno, Iā€™m sure 95+% of people get absolutely rekt, but the casinos still seem to be in business. Things will evolve and be different, but people like gambling.

damn, browsing this guyā€™s twitter, that might be the worst (average tweet)/(best tweet) ratio Iā€™ve ever seen. Especially if he coined ā€œNon Fuckable Tokenā€. Sad!

Scarcity alone isnā€™t quite it, though. My autograph is scarce, but no one is lining up to buy that. Thereā€™s a certain cultural je ne sais quoi that makes Nic Cage go busto trying to buy Superman #1 or that makes some dude try to scoop up rare apes.

I have a hot take that Iā€™ve been working on for not very long, I hope you guys like it: I think the last two years of COVID have normalized the idea of interacting with people through avatars. You canā€™t show off your swag with a Sekiro Grand watch via Discord, but you can show off your $6k pudgy. We were already moving toward a virtual-swag-based ecosystem, but the 'rona really accelerated matters. Anyway, that is my hot take, be sure to like or subscribe.


^^ Right now there are many posters trying to figure out if Sekiro Grand is a clever goof or if I meant to say Seiko Grand. Iā€™ll never tell.

We went through 98% of this like three years ago with lootboxes though. Some countries even banned them and congress in the USA got angry even.

Cosmetic only microtransactions are where we landed where not everyone is super angry about it, but if these get branded as NFTs that cost $25k because Ninja used it once and daddys credit card gets used, itā€™s back to being bad and unlike with microtransactions, that money is gone.

Like I have no problem with NFTs or speculating, but when people say it will be good for x or improve Y, itā€™s not right.

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