The Crypto Thread

Pudgy are actually up pretty big the past few days

Yea it’s a pretty wild thread. I found this part the most chilling.

lol the dude’s sn is gargamel?



I’m going to start Beanie Babies NFTs.

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That thread seems like 95% bullshit. There are definitely a bunch of historical and military references in there. After that it rapidly descends into QAnon-level “weird links” that are incredibly tenuous.

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Also like:

That interview is from Sept 1, at which time BAYC floor price was like 130K and it was obvious they had a cultural phenomenon on their hands. Continuing to drop hints that there are hidden meanings behind the collection at that point seems like evidence that the hidden meaning is not “we are secret Hitler superfans”. If it was they would be backpedalling away from it furiously.

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Good board game though, I’ve heard.


I think he sold the bottom, they are up 400% or something since he sold.

Fwiw the writer of the tweet thread doesn’t think they are nazis either. There just does appear to be enough hidden references that there is an unstated connection to something that underlies the original concept and much of the universe. Whether that’s folk music, military history, 4chan trolling, or more is unclear. I’m also not convinced that they would stop dropping hints to whatever it is once they blew up.

Ya maybe not, i failed on one at .5 and then i looked the next day and they were back over 2. I haven’t really paid attention outside of that.

Pudgys were sitting sub 1 or right around 1 for quite a while, before the recent market stonking

you mean nazi apes?


AJ would undoubtedly have been an NFT / Crypto pump and dumper


He’d definitely be buying the discords bags near ATH price!



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AJ would have gotten in at the very beginning, still manage to lose all his money and then botch a second suicide attempt.

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I assume everyone on here trading NFTs is in the discord at this point but if you have used OpenSea there is another free token you can claim $LOOKS this morning. This seems to be the new fad, creating a coin tied to a project and simply giving 5 figures of it away over and over to active NFT traders/owners. This is at least the 5th one of these in the last couple of months.

Yup. You can basically buy in on the ground floor (or just hold the tokens you got for free) for this trading platform. Your bestie Dingaling is behind it.

Because Norton didn’t already bog down your computer enough.