The Crypto Thread

I’m about to switch. I had Norton for free through Xfinity for years (and it worked fine), but last year, they ended that. Still got it cheap on a one-year promo, but set a reminder to cancel earlier this month. Turned out, they renewed me at full price a month early so I “wouldn’t accidentally lose coverage.”

Hahaha fuck you. I can still cancel and get refunded, at least.

Also, their VPN turns off if you torrent (I rarely do, but found this out last week when I did so and I’m not a fan of this “feature”).

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Don’t switch, just uninstall.
I’m 100% anti-anti-virus for Windows. The cure is worse than the disease. It largely doesn’t work. It introduces new security flaws.
The built in Microsoft tools are better than all the 3rd party options. For people who can’t avoid Windows malware (like my mother), use a chromebook. At least then the recovery only takes a minute.


There’s a lot of litigation financing shops out there now, mostly of the private equity variety. They will finance solid cases with decent lawyers with like $2M+ in damages. Without reading the story, it seems like this guy’s idea is to simplify investing in such things. However it’s structured, it’s a pretty dumb idea and has a lot of complexities as well as some potential illegality.

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now do tulips

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This. Note that Chips and I are both IT professionals by trade and this is the standard professional take in my experience.

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When have there ever been black women in Star Wars?

NFTs suck, free shitcoins are the future


Does Lupita Nyong’o as Maz Kanata count? And I think there were some rebel pilots in the new trilogy?


Gonna say that Maz doesn’t count.

Rosario Dawson was in the Mandalorian but Tan was the one they were all mad at.

It’s a story as old as time. A group of financially independent young men find each other on the internet. They realize they all have similar libertarian beliefs and decide they should start their own nation. They then convince a bunch of other men, usually ones who aren’t so financially independent, to buy into this scheme to support their dream of building the perfect libertarian state. And it doesn’t even matter what kind of internet community of men we’re talking about. This will happen anywhere.

Twelve years ago, Redditors tried to organize Reddit Island and then last year did it again! You put enough men together in a chatroom, they will try and build their own sovereign state. This is, essentially, the main engine behind things like the doomsday prepper industry or far-right American militias.

But there tend to be a few things that really screw these projects up. First, libertarians, inherently, don’t work together very well. Second, even if they do manage to organize themselves, they typically can’t amass enough capital to buy a piece of land that they can turn into their own country. Buying an island or an abandoned oil tanker or whatever is expensive and complicated. But even if everything else goes right, there is one thing no group of online free market weirdos have ever been able to agree on. Once the topic is even mentioned within a group of libertarian men, it will cause so much infighting and drama that it inevitably destroys the community and implodes whatever shared goal they were trying to accomplish. And that topic is, of course, age of consent laws.


All that is old is new again.

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Also get a mac. :crazy_face:



I’m an IT professional as well. I do, however, recommend Eset as an anti-virus. I use it at home, and used it at work. For work, the reporting features that would send me emails if/when it caught anything were very helpful. Also blocked a lot of shitty sites from my more, uh, carefree clicking staff.