The Crypto Thread

i mean seriously guys, how can you doubt his finance. he is wearing a suit.

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So a physical wallet is never a thumb drive, but always comes on special hardware that prevents just copying the 1s and 0s?

Yeah I don’t actually know the nitty gritty of how they work but the encryption of your key is built into the hardware, and the PIN guess limit is hardware-enforced. If you hit the guess limit, your wallet is bricked, idk if you can factory-reset it or what but you definitely can’t recover the key after that. To recover your funds after that you need the passphrase, which is just your private key converted to a series of words. People generally keep them in safes or safety deposit boxes.

The hardware wallets are close to uncrackable. I have seen some crazy attacks doing stuff like taking the cover off and grinding the chips down to expose bits and using lasers to activate them, but from what I understand even that is insufficient against a well-built one. You’ve probably seen the stories about that guy who supposedly has 175 mill on one and doesn’t have the passphrase and is two guesses away from lockout. Even with that incentive, I think it’s still locked.

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Saw this blurb in an article about the situation in Kazakhstan. Wonder if it has had an impact on prices.

Kazakhstan also accounts for close to a fifth of global bitcoin “mining”, the power-intensive process of recording cryptocurrency transactions, and Kazakhstan’s internet shutdown has curtailed the computing power of bitcoin’s global network.

Seems easier to just kidnap a crypto nerd and force him/her to transfer the info. Kind of surprised we don’t have armed gangs doing to already, since a lot of these crypto kings seem to have a relatively high public profile.

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This seems another good example of crypto identifying a legitimate problem in the market (plaintiffs being unable to raise finance for winnable, positive ROI cases) while doing nothing to solve the underlying problem. (High uncertainty, principal-agent problems, high cost of information, long investment periods)

If a plaintiff actual has a winnable case that is SO obvious enough that a bunch of internet randoms can tell its winnable at a far remove, they likely dont have a problem getting a lawyer to finance it.


What’s a good NFT project to get into if you have like $10k in eth?

long term hold (2 months+) to buy and forget about or to get started in the flipping game?

We’ve all moved on to staking in liquidity pools tied to games now.

I guess both? Is buying a Lazy Lion dumb?

ya don’t buy a lazy lion. with 10k i’d try the quick flipping game on new projects. stake some liquidity pools in blockchain games. join the discord first, because shit moves so fast you can’t not be plugged in constantly. for a hold piece, 20k for a bakc is something i’d probably go for, instead of a lazy lion[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW

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get a couple on chain monkeys[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW those look good


Can I get the discord invite? Thanks

There’s trouble brewing in the huddle.

awice unloaded his rare penguins just in the nick of time.


he wanted to make them pudgier but the community would not have it.


PM @anon3530961