The Crypto Thread

My favorite Awice story is when he made supernova on Stars just 40 hours into the year. Just started playing once the year began and kept playing until he hit 100k vpps.


I didnā€™t read the thread but Iā€™m just gonna presume itā€™s accurate so Iā€™m not the only one here who accidentally bought a racist ape (not bayc I donā€™t have that kind of scratch)

on one hand i really hope itā€™s true and steph curry puts out a press release or something

otoh the price will probably go up :frowning:

the dude who brought nfts to my attention, which led to beetlejuice becoming so rich he is now dating grimes, had seen enough


also also


This thread is quite the trip.

The first one in the thread is the most compelling

gamestopā€™s great idea is to try to become opensea

gl with that

theyā€™re way ahead of you on games with crypto

I always wondered about this since Iā€™m not sure why I would want to boff Moms who are much older than me. Seems a strange insult-- if you want to boff my mom right now, go ahead, make her happy! Itā€™s been awhile.

When I was 14 though my mom was 30 and hot, every friend and friendā€™s dad was trying to sleep with her. Some of them did.


the dads or the friends?

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Both, friends not until after high school though. Thatā€™s good, I guess.


Can a physical wallet be copied?

You should look at what led to crypto getting hammered in early 2018 and why it stayed low for years with little to no interest from the same folks posting in the crypto btc threads in 2+2 beforehand. Then look at what caused it to gain steam again in 2020. Then sqaure that with what would happen with the time and money and disposable income thatā€™s put into projects if anything close to an 08 recession were to happen.

It was the majority of traders in those years.

Feel free to look through threads when btc was at 4k and what folks were recommending at that time as opposed to when it was at 50k and that will give you some insight on why most people lost money.

ya you can plug the passphrase into a non-hardware wallet

Physical wallets are secure, barring bugs, but the backup to a physical wallet is a passphrase, a set of I think itā€™s 16 words in a particular order. Possession of the passphrase is equivalent to possession of the wallet and the PIN.

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well i hope you guys are happy, crypto is a ponzi scame and going to zero.


I met the guy in person. He definitely on the spectrum. Freak and very weird dude for sure.

He was also running bot rings on stars fairly successfully from what I understand. Had a bunch of low level grinders overseeing the software and occasionally moving mouses and solving ā€œare you a robotā€ tests.

Heā€™s clearly smart, and a freak, and a scammer.

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My impression of him has always been on-the-spectrum scammer. AWice is ā€œsmartā€ in the same way that some dude who found a way to rob an ATM without getting caught is smart. We all know at least one of these people from high school. Some turn out to be megarich, some are dead, and some are doing time. AWice is the guy who was asking why couldnā€™t we put sentry guns on top of the border wall to murder Mexicans. Normal dude, great mind.

wice seems like the type of guy who will get rich and broke rinse repeat a lot over his life. Hopefully for his sake he sacked a piece it in some boring as hell account to never touch. (I donā€™t think heā€™s that type either)

Right some people are always destined for one of those outcomes, they just donā€™t have the part of the brain the rest of us do that stops that stuff. Megarich is b/c somehow they escaped the other two. If you only knew but you probably donā€™t want to know.