The Crypto Thread

what’s an awice

Show me you don’t understand the greater fool concept without telling me you don’t understand the greater fool concept.

It’s kind of like the Trump phenomenon of him failing into getting richer. Of course we see through the “bosses/rich people are inherently smart” bullshit the media has been pumping for decades, but most people still think a version of that exists. We then saw Wice be wrong about everything he posted about Trump, but Trump won and he made a lot of money.

My position for the last while has basically been “he’s super leveraged,” but I did not have the amount of info others posted here have, and do not follow him on twitter or anything.

my guess he’s a moron and people don’t really change when they just have access to money but nothing else. we associate rich people with a kind of social status that this dude clearly doesn’t possess.

pure guessing though, i clearly don’t know the guy.

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Haven’t posted in this thread or followed it much, but am definitely a BTC skeptic. My baseline assumption is that BTC won’t go too far down, even in the long run, because it has value as a convenient medium for exchange for criminal activity, ransom, high stakes gambling, moving assets out of repressive regimes, avoiding judgment creditors, etc. Assets don’t have to pass through NY banks and thus come into contact with US jurisdiction. (I could be 90% right or 20% right on this, just a hot take about an area I haven’t looked at in any depth.)

Not exactly an original idea in a crypto haters club thread.

Yea this. In any population of risk-takers you’ll have some who sun-run and some who completely whiff, even if they’re all taking basically the same risks with basically the same information and basically the same level of competence. Seems like awice is more lucky than smart and there are probably 1000 other awice-equivalents that we don’t hear about because they missed on one or some of their bets and never reached the same level of clout.

I don’t think awice being smart or not smart says anything about the feasibility of crypto in the long run.

He’s a dude who came into 22 and placed enormous bets on Trump early in the 2016 race, believing that Hillary had Parkinson’s. He has since become a heavy crypto gambler/influencer. Speculating on how much money awice has now is an entertaining pastime.

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Was he the one who wanted to bet on her dropping out before the election?

Holy shit, so he’s a broken clock who hit the right time?

i don’t necessarily mean moron as in “not smart”, at least not in financial aspect. he might be a savant or not i have no clue. he is most likely a moron in any other aspect, which is why making it rich won’t help him be less of a moron (aka - not start a z-level nft project)

Yes, that’s what makes this entertaining: he bet extremely heavy on Trump at like 10:1 odds, then jumped all-in into crypto at a great spot, now seems to have cashed out near the top. Basically Martingaling his way to extreme wealth.

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I think both of those were post-collapse and done at least partially because he now indeed needed the money.

The NFT thing he realized pretty quickly wasn’t a good use of his time and dropped it.

Selling jpegs in hindsight looks like a sharp move.

He made a lot of money playing poker, made a lot of money betting on politics, and made a lot of money investing/trading crypto.

He’s super cringe, cares way too much about social status, and had a bunch of terrible calls in 2021, but I think he’s far from dumb.

that’s what i’m trying to say. thinking that one area of abilities is connected to others is wrong in a lot of cases. no that he is just lucky.

My bad didn’t read your followup post.

Then he supposedly bet massively on Trump in 2020 but also supposedly cashed out of all his positions the night before the election. Or the day of or something.

Sure that wasn’t domer?

Wice made Twitter posts about such that were posted in the Trump threads here.

The LOAFcoin ICO I’m gonna role out in the next couple months should help with that