The Crypto Thread

Discord is nice, but how about a separate thread for the haters and a normal discussion thread for those with actual interest in the topic?

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There are only two types of people in thise space: those who try to pump their Dogecoin bags and those who donā€™t have Dogecoin bags. Iā€™ll let yā€™all figure out whoā€™s who.

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The ā€œDogecoin millionaireā€ the NYT interviewed during the boom had ran his life savings from 250K to nearly 3M at the peak. It was around 600K this week when they checked in with him. Sounds like heā€™s letting it go to zero or cashing out at a dollar.

LOL zero it is then.

I wasnā€™t gonna say that. Someone might call me bitter

I donā€™t know that thereā€™s a point. The haters show up every 6 months or so, though this time they did show up en masse which was a little odd.

Didnā€™t goofy make 20 grand off someone mistakenly fat fingering a Lebron using a tool he made to read the TopShot transactions in real time?

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I see a lot more people losing a lot of money in this space (and the eventual bubble popping) than I do making millions like the Discord gang. Something something poker analogy.

Reminds me of a guy I grew up with telling me he was putting every penny he had to his name in dogecoin at the top, then begging me for rent money a few weeks later.

Its the death knells of late stage capitalism. When literally everything becomes about money, then when does money start to become worthless? It cant sustain.


I mean, fuck. We put people into major, possibly unclimable debt to have a fucking child. The basic act of procreation to continue the species can potentially bankrupt you. Oh and also, if you happen to get pregnant by accident because you want to feel good about something for a single fleeting moment while youre having a physically enjoyable time with someone you love, or like, or met on fucking tinder 2 hours ago, well then WHOOPS. Fuck you! You dont get a fucking choice. Have that goddamn baby and give us 20 fucking large because your insurance doesnt cover giving birth at THIS hospital. Also fuck you!

This is how this chapter in our history ends. Rich fucks trading monkey pictures for hundreds of thousands so they can afford an 850 sq ft shoebox in the bad part of town, or buy up more proerties to rent out as a fucking slum lord because that poor piece of shit right there will never have the credit to afford a fucking house so lets fleece the shit out of him, and while they sip bourbon in their mansion in the hills and force women into debt and childbirth becausd their fucking god said so.



Is there any point in getting involved in crypto for the long-run if youā€™re not the type who can build these tools?

Donā€™t ask me. Iā€™m a bitter poor.

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I lold


Counter point -

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I was just thinking that that was super dark for someone who just booked a franch laundry rev, but man, I still feel it.

Trust me, this wasnt an easy choice. I doubt its a smart move financially, but might as well do what I can before the whole thing fucking collapses.

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Minting cartoon monkeys with CRYPTO HATERS CLUB hats on the blockchain right now. Only 0.05 Ether. Dm me for the discord link.

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i was joking man. itā€™s also priorities. i love spending money on great food experiences. I hate spending money on literally everything else. go get those oysters and pearls.


by the way, I dont consider anybody here in the ā€œRich fucks trading monkey picturesā€ group

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