The Crypto Thread

In simplest terms, everybody and their hamster has a crypto project these days. They all need backing, and their tokens all need liquidity in the exchanges. You can earn fees for providing that liquidity, and generous returns for directly staking the projects. Both of these things can be done through the decentralized exchanges like pancakeswap where people trade tokens directly without going through a centralized exchange like Kraken or Coinbase.

can you imagine being one of those fools who bought btc in 2013. what a bunch of losers


If they had all their btc on mtgox then yeah. A lot seems like an exaggeration.

Luckily for me i didn’t buy any. I evaporated most of my memories, but one of the clearest one is me explaining to my dad about btc after the anarcho capitalist nutjob at my poker game kept yelling at us about it for months. A week later it jumped from $29 to $67 dollars and my dad said “well we’re too late now, nothing you can do now”

I inherited his business sense.


btw everyone always tell the bitcoin pizza story, but i’m also positive the largest $ size poker pots by a lot were all played on some of the bitcoin poker sites of 2013 like SwC.



Are there still ridic whale btc wallets untouched since early 10s? Probably some worth multiple billions

How much btc in circulation is lost forever? Like .1%?

Not in my current house, I’ll tell you that. At the very least, I’d be willing to hire a plumber for a current problem instead of trying to fix it myself.

While I’d like to think I’d have like half a billion dollars, realistically I probably would’ve bailed when it hit like 15 cents or some shit and then bragged to my wife that I just made us $500.


Would probably be my exact plan as well. In fact it probably was. I remember having at least a btc during the SwC days


Yes, there’s a Twitter account that sends out a tweet when one of them gets revived. The other day some dormant wallet with 500 BTC or something was accessed for the first time in 8 years.

Thats like 22m beetlejuice has that in ape gifs. I want to some billionaires

looks like the largest single wallet is binance with 12B worth of btc. I see one wallet opened in 2011 with 3.6B and a couple 2010 ones with 1B

Also i did some very quick searching in my IM and found 100 BTC hu pot on SwC won by a friend of mine.

When I reactivated my Coinbase account early this fall I found this transaction history showing my excellent skills at losing big with my modest poker winnings.

so my search made me find this random video. he gave out 5 btc to the person who guessed exactly the price of BTC at a certain hour (it was 12 dollars).

MtGox is still an ongoing saga of lost/stolen BTC. Was hoping it would be resolved by now as even a 5% payout of BTC lost would be a nice present for me. The vote to accept the proposed payout passed so hopefully 2022 is the year it finally ends.

oh more details needed. how much you had, how much lost?

I had the highest rakeback / freeroll access as VIP rewards or something. IIRC they used to have 1 BTC freerolls that I didn’t even waste my time with b/c I was playing 1 BTC / 2 BTC cash games. :clown_face:


really? the big games I saw now were 150-300 and 200-400 and I think it was 1000 chips = 1 btc. but those were 2013-14 so maybe yours is way earlier

I mostly played LHE though and was on there from the beginning. I dunno if it was actually 1/2 but seems like it was pretty close to that when I first started. If I remember right, BTC was around $13 at the time.

I lost 100 coins to site theft when they were 3 dollars a pop to a site called BTC on Tilt. They were trying to emulate FTP from the software down to the insolvency, worked out well for them. After that I decided I didn’t need any more gambles in my gamble heavy life and stayed away

When coins were 5-6 a pop my buddy lost thousands of coins playing heads up o8 on seals :cry: