I definitely recall reading articles saying that Amazon was worthless and would never generate a profit. Pretty sure there were lots of bears arguing that Barnes and Noble would ultimately crush Amazon.
I think there were lots of articles in general saying people would never do their shopping, etc. online and that e-businesses would never replace brick and mortar.
The whole kitten kaboodle, imo is how much the recreational money can elevate the price above what smart money buys at, and smart money’s game plan on when to sell at prices they deem too high. That i have no fucking idea. But bitcoin at least passed the basic purity test.
Can’t remember the source but I saw something that stated BTC is almost all smart money/whales/corporate now, retail interest is pretty low. I haven’t researched it but it would make sense to me, BTC is so expensive and people don’t want to buy and hold 0.001 BTC they’d rather chase exponential shitcoin gains. The problem i see there is that all the alts depend on BTC, if it plummets then the alts go to zero.
I don’t really understand the point you (and others) are trying to make. Is it that some coins / digital collectibles are going to zero at some point in the future? Unless I’m missing something, that’s not really saying anything. You posted this back in January when @Yuv was kind enough to grace us with news of NBA Top Shot, which was the NFT gateway drug for most of us:
You seem to keep making the same claim which is basically a non-sequitur w.r.t. the discussion here. So it’s not like people are necessarily disagreeing with you–we mostly just don’t understand what you’re arguing against or what specific point(s) you’re trying to make.
For the anti-Bitcoin crowd, here’s a scathing denouncement of the coin by Nassim Taleb. Don’t love the guy, but he makes some points worth considering.
I’m sure this is basic stuff for those of you who are into it. For people like me who have limited knowledge, this podcast episode might be interesting.
Topics include DeFi Kingdoms and how not many people talk about how crypto can be traded with an IRA tax-free because a lot of people into crypto are young people who don’t have IRAs.
I remember reading this a while back. The most interesting part was where he basically advocates for stablecoins. He’s not anti-cryptocurrency or anti-blockchain, he’s just anti-bitcoin.