The Crypto Thread

I just got this in a fortune cookie.


It’s a sign!

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Which of those numbers is the Powerball?

Any other good crypto related podcasts recs?!


In particular their episodes with a single guest such as Ari David Paul, Kyle Davies, Su Zhu, Avi Felman. All managers for funds that invest broadly in the space. Live on twitch, YT + Apple same day.

Not published frequently, but some of the sharpest minds in the space come on here. Not entertaining like UpOnly, but always informative. Solid guests include light @lightcrypto on twitter, Jordi Alexander @gametheorizing… and two episodes with no guest recently where they discuss how to value cryptoassets and Eth vs. Alt L1s

Single episode of On the Margin covering BTC vs ETH in 2022.

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Don’t hold your breath on BTC benefiting in any way. It’s a AnCaps dream.

Best way, imo is to suit up with Tom morrelo with the pitchforks. I’d surprisingly be right there with you because I hate what capitalism is doing to tiny b@m businesses and overall opportunities to make a livelihood despite being a full blown participant in it.

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I can tell you that wasn’t the argument on the Motley Fool Amazon board. The argument was that Amazon is a retailer with typical retailer margins. It’s worth something but not what it was selling at.

The amazing thing is Amazon actually lived up to the hype and more. It turned into things no one could have imagined in 1998. But you still could have easily not bought in or sold at the peak, then had 5+ years to buy back in after the crash when it picked up steam.

And a bajillion other companies did not live up to the hype. Dell, AOL, and Broadcom were high flyers at one point, to name a few.

Pretty sure they can just kick random people off the flight if they want.

What’s the value in a blockchain contract that I cant get sending a signed pdf over email?

On a blockchain everybody can see it.

Its kinda the perfect bitcoin analogy.

“Diamond hands baby! Hodling forever!”

Us government: “Alright fuck it, you can no longer legally sell this for USD in the states.”

Bitcoin: * Drops to 0 *

Hodlers: “Ah, fuck. Shoulda sold at 60K”

All these crypto bros of course love trump, it’s going to be chefs kiss when he straight up bans Bitcoin.

There are regulations about this. That’s why they start with low-ball offers to see if they can save money through volunteers.

For instance, if you’re bumped on a domestic flight and end up with a 2+ hour delay, you are entitled to 400% of the price of your ticket. And pretty sure the compensation has to be actual money paid that day, not vouchers or whatever they give the volunteers.

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I would literally never accept a voucher for any amount.



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Serious Q: who approves DeFi loans or assesses risk?

If it’s true DeFi - no one. But you usually (always?) have to post collateral worth more than the loan.

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Who repos my car if I don’t pay?