The Crypto Thread

btc transactions are cheap now

eth is still not

For bitcoin, to get your transaction in the next block (~ten minutes), pay the recommended high priority fee. Right now that is less than a dollar. That recommendation varies continually but recently has rarely been over two dollars.

How many businesses in El Salvador actually will take payment in btc? My guess is well under 1%. .1% might be quite optimistic.

“Companies must accept it by law, but are permitted to instantly swap all bitcoin to dollars once received.”

Do you actually think every business in a poor country is actually accepting crypto?

It’s as easy as owning a cell phone. I don’t see why not

El Salvador has no functional currency of their own. Everything is in USD and ATMs dispense USD. Not sure how or if that plays into the BTC push.

Their president is also a populist who’s setting himself up to be a Putin-style president-for-life. A smarter, younger Trump.

Crypto is actually down 20-30% over the past couple of months.

Ha I just reactivated my Eve sub after a five-year hiatus. That game’s problem always has been and always will be the devs not knowing or caring what the player base actually wants.

(Goons 4 lyfe)


I’ve thrown a few bucks at crypto myself and you Had me til here. Every single word of this applies to every annoying cryptobro asswhole at a party or pub who’s ever wandered into earshot of someone unfortunate enough to utter the word “blockchain” aloud. Visit any comments section of any news site or social media platform; sooner or later That Guy is going to show up posting his cryptobro version of the Watchtower like a virtual Jehovah’s Witness. And if you’ve ever wanted to experience the thrill of being roasted by the Friars or wished you’d had the opportunity to be on the receiving end of a Don Rickles takedown but never made it to one of his shows, nothing and I mean nothing simulates that experience more than simply browsing over to your favorite shitcoin’s dedicated Subreddit and posting ~anything even remotely negative about it.

I’m not making an argument as to whether or not crypto is ultimately good or bad. I’m just saying that anyone who can’t spot the cult like behavior permeating many aspects of it is either not paying attention or is one of them.


Are any crypto enthusiasts talking about moving to El Salvador?

A lot have moved to Miami

We need more memes itt


This might not apply to many (or even any!) people posting in this thread, but I think a huge part of the appeal of crypto, like Wall Street Bets, is a response to the economy just not working after decades of deregulation and legislative inaction.

Two generations ago normal people with normal jobs could buy houses and take vacations and stuff. That’s absolutely not the case now. And there are like tens of millions of people who were told they had to go to college, took out loans to do so, dropped out and now have limited job prospects and crushing debt.

These people are objectively screwed, and they know it. They’re mad, and are therefore ripe to be manipulated by terrible people. Which is definitely what is happening here. How can you look a millennial in the face and tell them to grind it out making $800 per week? Hey, make sure you contribute to your 401k to get the match! In 40 years you’ll have a couple hundred thousand dollars - look at this compound interest chart!!! These people can barely afford rent. Of course they’re primed to fall victim to get rich quick schemes, the “olds don’t get it” and “we’re taking the power from corrupt government” nonsense are, in such circumstances, incredibly predictable and effective marketing tools.

And ultimately the blame here lies with the Democratic Party. You can’t credibly claim to be the party of actually delivering meaningful change for people when you’ve failed to actually use your power to do so for literally 50 years now.

And you’ve experienced those people in this forum here? Or you’re just arguing against a straw man crypto bro character that doesn’t actually exist here?

This is why I asked earlier, who’s the asshole here? The people discussing a topic of interest to them or the people who every few months choose to come in and shit on the thread and tell everyone how wrong they are with the exact same arguments we’ve all heard a million times now? Literally no one is trying to get any of you to be interested in this stuff or telling any of you you should invest any money in it. We just want you all to stop shitting all over this thread every few months.

Eta: and honestly this is why 99% of the real discussion of any of this stuff happens on the discord now, so we don’t have to deal with these sort of derails.

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That doesn’t answer his question.

I wasn’t specifically referring to “here” as the post you quoted indicates. I’m saying the stuff you’re accusing the crypto skeptics of doing applies to crypto enthusiasts to a very large degree.

It’s likely both the crypto haters and crypto bros are wrong. Crypto is not going to the moon buts it’s also not going away or to zero and will have real world applications.

Same with the dotcom bubble. Both extreme sides were wrong - prices did get out of control but tons of amazing companies were founded in that era. As long as you didn’t buy at literal peak, you would have ended up doing far better buying dotcom stocks than buying the S&P 500. I think even if you bought at the literal peak and held, you would be slightly better today had you bought QQQ than the S&P 500.

Of course, everyone seems to want to attack the position that crypto is going to the moon - but I don’t think anyone here actually holds that position.


I am in the strange boat that I don’t really believe in crypto per se but have made a decent amount of money in the crypto ecosystem this year. I really like games and finding edges in them. That’s what I liked about poker. There are definitely ways to make lots of money at crypto by treating it like a game imo. NFTs specifically have lots of inefficiencies that allow a mix of game theory, human psychology and day trading techniques to create edges. That part is very interesting to me. The community aspect of it reminds me a lot of the early days of 2+2 when we were trying to solve poker prior to the invention of training sites/solvers/etc. which was a very fun time as well.

Others here have made lots of money investing in longer term holds like BAYC. Some make money day trading crypto itself. I guess my point is that crypto isn’t just one thing and there are lots of interesting avenues to make money at it if someone is so inclined.