The Crypto Thread

An NFT-based CCG seems like a no-brained if they actually make the gameplay decent. Which is difficult to do.

Sandbox is definitely a real game that already exists in a non-crypto version. The new version is in alpha and there’s lots of gameplay video on utoob.

You might want to check out what Gala Games is doing. That’s run by one of the founders of Zynga and they have a bunch of games in development including a Walking Dead franchise, plus a couple already in beta. Spider Tanks looks like a blast. Townstar, not so much. I think they might have some sort of partnership going with Will Wright too.

I’ll take a second opportunity to pimp Mines of Dalarnia. The dev’s were confident enough to make the alpha release public and it’s already pretty fun to play. Sort of a Dig Dug-ish 2D old school vibe.

All these games still have the same fundamental problem though, in that the NFT’s to play them are several orders of magnitude higher than what the general public will pay for a game. Those markets need to crash hard for any of this to succeed.

I have Warriors too - so old I forgot. I’m holding, but not super optimistic as things keep getting delayed over and over. They do have good community so there is hope.

What are you doing with Mines of Dalarnia? Is it p2e yet? Or just buy their coin and stake still?

If you create a Chromia Vault account you get some tokens to play with on the testnet. There are a couple dozen plots to rent and play through for resources you can use to craft upgrades. Don’t know if any progress on the testnet will carry through to the real release. Mostly I’ve just learned how to repeatedly die on pokey stalagmites.

I don’t have a mining ape so I don’t know if that gives you more access to the game (lol floor Ξ0.6).

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This doesn’t matter to people who are interested in crypto as a vehicle for tax evasion.

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It might be better than fiat for direct purchase of very expensive items, like if you wanted to pay cash for a house.

If you buy something using crypto and have to return it and get a refund, do you end up having to eat transaction fees? Will all refunds have to be in the form of store credit because they don’t want to pay those fees to refund crypto either?

Why do you need an NFT? You can’t just buy the game? People buy games all the time, there is zero issue with it. Why introduce NFTs at all? I understand why you might issue an NFT to buy like a house in a game or a weapon or whatever. But just to play the game? Seems pointless.

I think the main answer, which is Libertarian in origin, is that you can use a currency that isn’t backed by any organized government. Whether that’s a feature people actually care about is unclear imo.

Actually I don’t understand why you would want an NFT to buy a house or a weapon in a game when you could just buy it with cash from the game guys. Wasn’t that already a thing in a lot of free to play games? Pay ten bucks and you get this sweet weapon. Pay a thousand bucks and you’re the only person who ever has the weapon.


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Because if it’s an NFT you actually own it and can sell it. For old-school in game assets, you only own it in so far as the game developers allow you to.

OK that’s fair. But for the game itself an NFT makes no sense to me.

Ah, I missed your earlier post.

Most of the games are free to play. You do often need to buy a character - which is an NFT - to play, but once you have the character you aren’t charged to play.

Some do require passes (again NFTs), but that is usually for games in alpha/beta to allow people early access (often it’s sort of like a kickstarter for the game).

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So you can then sell your character. That makes sense, thanks.

Is there an mmo where you loot NFTs from bodies yet? The tears would be incredible.

The first question is relevant if you care about things other than making money.

i just wish eve online would do blockchain. imagine mining erc20 currency on asteroids and then pirates show up to take your coins c’mon we’re so close. they have a in-game economy that they want to make valuable and therefore fun. my christmas wish is for eve to fuckin wake up to web3. the perfect blockchain game would be eve online but you can cash out ISK to buy stuff irl

eve online desperately wants to make the game such that losses feel like real losses and wins feel satisfying, but it’s not real wins, right now everybody on eve is basically buying warhammer pieces and putting them into a game where other people can smash them.

when looking at the level of money being invested in these horrible unplayable pseudogames, i gotta believe eve online would become a trillion-dollar company


I’ve never tried Eve and almost did a few times but if this happened I for sure would try it out. I think I actually started learning some basic skills once even but never started really playing.