The Crypto Thread

Why does a dildo have an app? Can we not build things that work without an app anymore?

Now, Gentry runs a crypto consulting firm, which she launched after leaving her job.

Just like the gold rush - the people selling picks and shovels made the real money.



Non-Fungineable :D

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Remember the ransomware on chastity cages?

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I think you’re in the discord. If so, please feel free to share some wisdom. A few of use have bought in and are trying to figure things out.

Yeah, just got caught up and posted, causing great chaos and uncertainty over who’s who.

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If you’re in the discord, there is a post explaining the process. It’s complicated but not terrible. The easier route though is to send your USDT to someone else and then have them send you ONE (that is basically what I did).

I think what’s important to know about DeFi Kingdoms is that all it is - at present - is a stupid NES looking interface to basic DeFi liquidity pooling and yield farming. That front end is the only difference between it and dozens of other places where you can do the exact same thing, and the game doesn’t really make the process any simpler or easier to understand.

There are future plans to make it more of a game, and I guess you can go fishing now if you want to plunk down $500 for an NFT character. But for the most part all you’re really doing is sticking your money in a high yield/high risk investment with returns that have to vest before you can do anything with them.

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Can I interest you in some Venari?

A lot of games are supposed to start rolling out the parts you can actually play in Q1 2022.

It’s pokemon, except with money.

Define playable. You’ve got a few that are semi-complete like Axie, and then lots that are in alpha/beta with barebones games.

I think more than that. You need at least 3 Axies to play, and think each is a few hundred.

edit: actually it looks like the price of Axie’s plummeted and now you can buy for under $100, so I guess you could just buy three and play. No idea if you also need other coins. That said, it seems to me Axie has peaked a bit, so personally I’m looking for stuff with room to grow.

I am invested in the following:

Crypto Raiders - It has a game in beta that is like old school final fantasy. It’s by far my biggest investment, but mostly because I bought in super early and it’s way up. Not sure I’d buy in that much now, as it may be close to a top. But dev team has continually rolled out new stuff and seems competent.
Influence - no game yet (can buy asteroids and crew), but seems like solid dev team with outside funding

BigTimeStudios - no game yet, but seems like solid dev team with lots of funding. Can buy passes to play game early when released
Legends of Venari - no clue about devs, but it has game that is functional and could see being addictive

Venari is the only one I bought recently.

My general strategy is to pick games either with good dev teams and funding or ones that have game soon that looks fun. I also try to buy in very early, but often hard to find at that stage (hence me FOMO buying some DFK). I’ve had some misses with games that went to zero, but so far it’s worked ok.

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Warriors of Aradena is a game in the making with a legit team and funding I believe, they don’t have anything playable yet though. Cheapest NFT in the collection is around $250

Any of these games actually playable and fun or is this just another version of Kickstarter?

Axie is played by millions of people, it looks terrible but i’ve never tried it

I bought a few of the game passes at mint (when maybe 1/4 the current cost) and sold a few for profit.

I did not buy any of the Space as I don’t have BNB, plus, yeah, the prices are high.

edit: forgot another I’m watching - Dark Country. It’s a Hearthstone-style game on wax in Beta right now. You can sign up for free for to be a Beta tester and might be rewarded. (although I’m struggling with actually getting that to work)

Yes - only thing you can buy is a pass.

Eventually, our Alpha passes will make new passes that we can sell, and people can use when out of Alpha. Those should be much cheaper.

Agreed, barrier to entry way to high for most games.

Here are two free ones I’m doing - not sure if worth my time though:

Thetan is sort of fun to play - very basic DOTA game.