The Crypto Thread

Which economic system was it that made him a wealthy and successful artist?

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Not surprised that people are quitting google to do crypto. You can anonymously put out a two minute trailer of a game you are “working on” and have people send you millions of dollars overnight.

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“How did you get to the climate change summit, Vice President Gore?”

Lol at this guy not realizing the difference between his dumb shit that has zero demand and another thing that has enough demand to sustain a $208k floor price. ThEy ArE tOtAlLy ThE sAmE tHiNg ThOuGh.


If Banksy did it and wrote “dumb ape pay miliion bad art” on it that would prob sell for $1M+, but the thing is, our guy here would again not understand why someone paid that for a Banksy and not some random ngmi blockhead’s cheap imitation Banksy.

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Jack Dorsey did a heel turn against Web3 and now a full-scale war has erupted between the Web3 zealots and the BTC Maxis.

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I am currently exploring DeFiKingdoms, which offers cross chain exchanges, lending, savings, liquidity pooling, staking, farming, plus some sort of RPG thing that I don’t entirely understand, and it’s all done through an interface that looks like a shitty NES game. The whole thing is incredibly stupid and infantile, but the yields are pretty sweet so fuck it, I’m in.

How much do you need to get started? And how do you actually buy their tokens?

This is interesting, and I think I understood 20%.

It’s on the Harmony network. You can add it to MetaMask, but then you need to paste your MM address into the explorer to find out what your actual Harmony address is to send ONE to because the 0xwhatever one won’t work on that network. Once you’ve jumped through those hoops you just connect your wallet to the game and exchange ONE for the game token, or a whole bunch of others if you want.

Behold, the future of finance!


Man, I linked some gold mining game a while back and no one commented. Now there are games all over apparently.

I think that makes sense, but how do you actually get the ONE to start with?

I exchanged on Binance. I think most major exchanges should have it?

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The RPG part of this thing is NFT based of course, and they’re lol expensive. Floor is > $500.