The Crypto Thread

It definitely is the wild west in some ways. And it is thriving. Maybe github rando kaber2 is right, or maybe they’re overreacting the way everybody always overreacts to tech issues.

I mean, if I had your crypto assets I certainly wouldn’t put them on a BSC yield aggregator offering 4 digit returns. But there are lots and lots of people with notable investor backing launching credible projects on the platform.

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rn everyone wants to become a premium brand so they mint on ethereum for prestige because it’s very likely to be the main blockchain going forward years from now. and it’s probably the same as why a company would want offices in a high rise in manhattan instead of much cheaper rural kansas, they wanna be highly visible and be right where all the action is.

i think a company with existing gravitas like ubisoft could use matic really nicely and still be pretty much on the main blockchain. we all get tons of unsolicited matic NFTs sent to our eth wallets that are totally worthless, it’s essentially spam. one of the guys in discord got an unsolicited dump of 50,000 of the same NFT from a spammer so i gotta believe it’s almost free.

There can be but infinite of them won’t be popular or worth owning when the dust settles. It’s basically speculating on which ones have the potential to capture a large market share and network effects. Not too different from speculating on which ape gifs will catch fire and be worth $1M. A dozen or so people on this forum own something called Humans of the Metaverse (LOL); they are jpegs of badly-drawn humanoid avatars that have “jobs” which earn a currency called $HOTM. The developers claim there is a Meta City in the works where $HOTM can be used to buy stuff like land plots and skyscrapers. The devs seem somewhat competent and likely to deliver (at least compared to other projects which have promised these things).

Who is making products in this space that are meant to appeal to people who prefer to live in rural Kansas than NYC? Other than the blatant political grifting stuff.

Thats a horrible comparison for the NFT market. Loot boxes and microtransactions are scum sucking bullshit that preys on people and children

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Forgot to mention that was Phase 1. In Phase 2, we learned that the devs might be good at devving but are terrible at marketing and generating hype for the project. Need Steph Curry to buy one.

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There are laws against them in many countries now. NFTs are kind of where draftkings was a bit ago. If they make too much attention the hammer might come for some of it.

They’ve already announced a partnership with Tezos, a blockchain known for… its vague association with Ubisoft.

  1. Create an account on Coinbase or some other exchange that sells Solana tokens and buy some
  2. Install the Phantom wallet extension and move your SOL over to it
  3. Exchange your SOL (but not all, leave some for fees) for either
    ATLAS (the in-game currency, which is potentially inflationary but has burn protocols to keep it under control), or
    POLIS (the DAO, which has a fixed supply and will be deflationary)

If you want, after that, you can also head over to the Raydium DEX, get some RAY, and create a liquidity pair which you then stake in a farm and earn more ATLAS or POLIS.

you can cash out usdc to an ethereum wallet but you’ll need eth from somewher eelse to swap it for other coins or move it.


Wasnt the tech boom also a once in a generation event?

Because that was only like 25 years ago

Those guys are all dead then.


!HARDCOURT (which is sadly long dead)

working on a shitcoin is once in a generation opportunity

you can just buy those guys

I assume for most of them it’ll blow up in their face

HEN was (is?) on Tezos.

Wait you can do animated twitter avatars now? (You might have to click through to see it.)

Lol that’s quite the dagger. However, the copycat gifs are the knock-off handbags of this space whereas ape gifs and punks are the genuine Hermes and Louis Vuitton merchandise.

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By the way, for anyone who is truly in it for the art (if there exists such a person), Hic et Nunc (HEN) is a great platform for that. There are real artists there (some even have real names) who have been making digital art for years and afaik decades in some cases. Some of these people have been major influencers in digital, procedural, algorithmic, and AI art, and yet since Tezos-backed NFTs have not turned out to be a get-rich-quick scheme, you can buy their work for next to nothing. Also, the fact that the original developer closed up shop unannounced and forced the community to resurrect the project probably didn’t help either.

“NFTs seem to me just a way for artists to get a little piece of the action from global capitalism, our own cute little version of financialization,” Eno told Morozov. “How sweet — now artists can become little capitalist assholes as well.”