The Crypto Thread


With CSGO you can sell items on the Valve marketplace for cash but that cash must be used to buy shit from Valve, it just sits in your Steam wallet. There are plenty of 3rd party sites that allow you to sell for cash you can withdraw or crypto.

The highest end CSGO items will sell for 5 and rarely 6 figures although these sales are often trades using other items as currency. These are just skins that go on your weapons, stickers and other wearable stuff for your character.

Games are one of the areas where NFTā€™s make a ton of sense to me. Like if I played MTG or Hearthstone I would so much rather have my cards (and their value) be on a public blockchain and not subject to the whims of a private gaming company.

You can pick up X World Games cards right now for < $3 and start playing. The gameā€™s only in alpha and it already has a player base.

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Got a Runescape gold party hat the other day.

interoperability of nfts across multiverses

Yeah, this is already a real thing people are trying to build. And serious investors are throwing serious amounts of money at it. Thereā€™s at least half a dozen voxel based games launching in 2022 that have the potential to achieve it.

I just mentioned one. Hereā€™s gameplay.

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Iā€™ve never owned a piece but axie infinity is a huge one rn

I wish I could sell some of my rimworld colonies. Iā€™m good at making those

Iā€™m still getting 105% APR on AXS. I just compounded and locked in for another 30 days.

My Dragon Kart LP has beenā€¦ not quite as successful. Stupid devā€™s got greedy with the first NFT drop and nobody can afford to play the game.

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You can play Dragon Kart for free right now if you want, but I think you need a wallet extension. It plays exactly like the inferior Mario Kart knockoff it seems to be.

Thereā€™s a wallet-free public alpha for Mines of Dalarnia that seems like itā€™s going to be pretty fun and addictive. Click the screen when it seems like the load hangs to start playing.

The problem with all of these games is that the marketplaces are dominated by bots. Pretty sure there are multiple bots up over a million trading Farmers and Alien Worlds.

This is probably the most ambitious NFT game in development right now. Itā€™s at least a couple years out and of course may never launch at all, but they currently do have a very large team of professional game devā€™s and substantial backing.

I hope the game itself launches on a layer 2 chain. Iā€™m skeptical any game can be truly successful in the near term if it operates directly on Ethereum. It is just way too expensive to draw in a real crowd right now. Grossly overpriced NFTā€™s and outrageous gas fees are killing the chances of many games ever going mainstream.

Maybe that will change when 2.0 goes live, but right now Iā€™m pretty bearish on Ethereum being the dominant platform for gaming. BSC, Solana and Avalanche all have much better fundamentals for it.


But itā€™s already evolving and more accessible on the other chains. You can start playing that collectable card game I posted above with like $20 worth of NFTā€™s. If I want to play Axie Infinity I need to drop like $500 minimum.

I know a lot of you are focused on high stakes NFT trading, and Ethereum is by far the best place to do that. But I think that focus is blinding people to whatā€™s happening on the other chains. BSC is thriving. Solana and Avalanche are pretty healthy.

There will be multiple successful blockchains. Certain ones will be better for certain things. I am skeptical Ethereum will be the dominant one for gaming.

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Fwiw the house I bought in Dark Age of Camelot back in 2003 is still there!

(JK that game shut down years ago)