The Crypto Thread

I manage to lose money buying BTC multiple times at a 5% discount so you probably don’t want me involved.

i would also like a discord invite. i currently own ETH, BTC and Solana and looking to gamble more.

Is there enough non-NFT content in the Discord to make it worth the assache of registering an account with a fake phone number? Not all that interested in gambooling on gif’s, but I do appreciate informed discussion of new chains, exchanges, layers, defi, etc. There are a lot of people throwing money at things out there and I think the space is big enough for not-Ethereum projects to be successful, or at least temporarily profitable.

oh great now instead of 10 people getting rich and me being sad there will be 50 people getting rich and me not making it.


some serious “hey you’re good at poker if I give you $100 can you double it for me” from 2004 energy ITT right now


If someone wants a discord invite, DM me

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I’m currently staking on avax, solana, fantom. Would be happy to contribute to a discord channel if we get a discussion going.


Well, getting more people to buy what you bought just raises the price, yeah?

the whole scene does remind me a lot of poker. and i remember when i got into poker, we were always bemoaning how we didn’t get in early enough while we were raking in the dough. and it’s the same here, we’re killing it but we all hate ourselves for not starting just a little bit earlier to pick up the ULTRAeasy money.

so if somebody wants to start now, i’m not gonna tell them they’re late, because online poker was still beatable even after black friday. like it’s not partypoker 2004 anymore but it’s better money for your hourly than working

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Maybe not, my sheeps are currently being held hostage. :sob:

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I currently have small stakes in Cardano, Axie Infinity, Cartesi, Chromia, Polkadot, Etherium 2, PancakeSwap, Elrond and Maiar.

Maiar is the brand new DEX for the Elrond chain that just launched Friday. They have a $1.29 billion liquidity incentive program going that’s giving absurd returns right now (although will probably be back down to earth soon). It’s also the first time I’ve been able to say I was in something literally on Day 1.


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i mean i did make more money staking than playing, so why not

Is someone brokering? Cause im happy to just throw my money at people who are good at it.



ya grue meant it as an insult but it’s not like there’s no business merit in staking/investing in nft experts.

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You are going to go far in NFT land.


All we need now is Brandon Adams to drop in and charge a minting markup that is 30% higher than the best minter’s lifetime ROI and we’ve got ourselves a boom economy for horses.

lets go brandon


Someone drop a discord invite!