The Crypto Thread


start by buying ethereum from an exchange like coinbase or gemini. they’ll have your account on hold for a week before you can transfer that crypto to a real wallet where you can start

1st step complete. I’ve owned eth since it’s ATH.

What’s step 2? and

get one of each. metamask is free, ledger comes from france so it’ll be a week or so

K. Ive got metamask but not eth. Ill add some today. Down prices are good before buying in, yes?

I’ll do that later today or tomorrow. Will update when I do.

Oh, I have some stuff on Coinbase so I shouldnt have a hold any longer, yes? Ill convert it over to ETH

Also, how much eth do I need to start? Can I do it with $1k or is that useless?

ya try that out. then see if you can withdraw to an outside wallet, and copy/paste your metamask account address as the destination. it’ll look something like this 0x4386145982c435a77f390fEFCDCf28eD508de0b6

with 1k i wouldn’t trade NFT stuff except maybe $ASH token. 10k min imo if you wanna splash around, and be prepared to lose it lol

You need one of those newer ledgers or one of the originals that looks like this work?

Sending ETH to this address can be very profitable for some people. Like me, in particular.


i haven’t seen one of those. it doesn’t look like it has the pin function on it, so i imagine it’s safer than a “hot wallet” but not as secure as a newer ledger

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Gemini the easiest place to buy $ash?

um ya it might be easiest, they recently listed it there. there are a ton of other ways to get it too

If I flagged any post itt ignore it please. Phone had water on it and went nuts on me.

Can you give me 3 or 4 of the tons of other ways to get it?


swap with UPers, save everybody fees

Got it. Thanks.

Will get into it tomorrow while I’m trying to burn time at work.

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it’ll be more complicated to do uniswap or sushiswap because you’ll have to add a custom token and paste the contract 0x64d91f12ece7362f91a6f8e7940cd55f05060b92 but once you do it once it’s a breeze