The Crypto Thread

Damn, wish I was on the receiving end of that.

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I’m guessing the fundamentals of the arbitrage are similar, but don’t know for sure.

Deleted poly post since I can’t find the reddit posts that it references

Given that smart contracts are the underlying feature of ETH’s value proposition, it’s problematic if we can’t trust them to work, as trustlessness is at the core of the decentralized universe that crypto promises to deliver.


Fwiw, Coinbase was going to offer this. Then the SEC told them it amounts to a security, they pulled it rather than go through the scrutiny that that product would entail.

Imo 8% is severely underpricing the risk involved in unlicenced securities through anonymous international companies.

I just got a sweet 5% instantly, buying from someone who needed cash at the poker table.


Is Coinbase’s entire business model charging significantly higher fees than other companies to buy/sell a smaller number of coins? How does google/amazon not have a crypto exchange yet?

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Genius move by them to avoid taxes. Kind of makes me tempted to hit my local casino and just sit and fold at 2/5 to try to sell some crypto for cash

Use CB Pro and the fees are significantly less.


This is very pro ETH, but also addresses a LOT of the questions I have had and seen others ask here also. It’s two interviews.

See 10:20 and 30:30 … is ETH necessary for the ethereum network? The reaction of both to this question is really interesting.

Trying to get a better understanding of what is being done and might be done with ethereum. This is the company behind MetaMask. The second subject in the interview I posted works here. Private, but:

ConsenSys gets the backing of several finance players as investors that could see the company’s valuation reach $3 billion.

ConsenSys is looking to close a funding deal that could give the Ethereum blockchain technology company a $3 billion valuation, according to a Financial Times report. Back in April, the New York-based firm raised $65 million from financial powerhouses such as JPMorgan, Mastercard, and UBS. ConsenSys termed this process, which also included some leading decentralized companies (DeFi), a ‘formation round.’ It however declined to comment further on the fundraising. Nonetheless, securing the financing would mark an important milestone for the seven-year-old company.

Founded in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin, ConsenSys develops and supports projects built on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform has shifted away from consulting and services towards a larger focus on products. This includes developing apps for financial services among others. For example, ConsenSys is the developer of MetaMask, a DeFi-centric service that has facilitated over $9 billion worth of trade, primarily through its digital token swap feature. Furthermore, according to the Financial Times, MetaMask projects to rake in an additional $1 billion within the next 12 months.

Interesting twitter thread by the company:

That’s a bit of a dubious characterization of Web 2.0, the essence of which was interactivity (i.e. social networks, blogs with comments, image sharing, YouTube, all that shit) and modularity (RSS feeds) rather than being concerned with the technology which evolved to let all this be delivered more smoothly. To give you an idea of how these things were separated, the first Web 2.0 conference was held in 2004 and the term AJAX was not even coined until 2005.

The details of the Squid Game rug pull are interesting, especially the implications:

TL/DR – Upgradeable smart contracts are a thing. That this trustless system can work only if you trust a token’s developer(s) is, to say the least, problematic.

Aww yeah here comes China to nuke errybody portfolio

I bought eth 36 hours ago :(

i cant believe youve done this


Someone had to bring u guys down

I had been basically out since the first time BTC hit $50k, but got back in because of the aforementioned discount coins, so I figured it was my fault.

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