The Crypto Thread

not sure how many big cock jokes i got left you need to pace yourself


You also canā€™t get it fast thereā€™s a lock up period of like 1 year. But the fact that USA#1Gov can offer 7.2% personally make me feel pretty safe on 8% from Gemini.

I expect Gemini will just drop the yield down if they deem it too risky basically, itā€™s 8% now but will change over time. Just google search looks like it was 7.4% back in May

Every time Iā€™ve looked into one of these earn x percent on your crypto opportunities enough to dig through the fine print I find out Iā€™m essentially an unsecured lender to a venture stage startup and/or at the whims of whatever black box risk management the exchange is using on the other side, which has to be something that earns more than 8 percent in a broad market where earning 8 percent entails taking a bunch of risk

Can it really be more risky than connecting your crypto wallet to a random website to generate a picture of a pig with laser eyes?


Yeah Iā€™m pretty risk averse on this stuff myself as well, so far Iā€™m only comfortable with the Gemini platform and I havenā€™t bothered to put crypto in it and may not. The only other one I found in my research that made me feel good was ā€˜Lednā€™ which has a ā€˜proof of reservesā€™ (but it is not available in my location). Coinbase was gonna do one which I would have felt safe with as well but the SEC yelled at them or something lol

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Crypto would be much better off long-term without this sort of stuff and anything leverage related. Creates systemic risk and regulators will salivate at attacking crypto if things go wrong.

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Itā€™s 8% yield in USD. So basically -50% APR in average crypto yields.

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So you are basically the lost winklevoss brother and somehow we lost on the one nft i bought with you? How bad can i run?!


We just voted to put it up for sale


lol im not even talking about that one.


We bought a laser eye mutant ape for 8426 eth and sold it for a single doge


Binance is currently offering 110% APY on AXS staking*

*Terms may apply

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itā€™s doubled in USD

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A good detailed breakdown on the reason for the high yields in this article:

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BlockFi had an oopsie a while back:

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give them 700

sure thing boss



Many of them are all linked to the same mega source (Genesis). I think thereā€™s maybe one other. Lotta information on PROHASHING too