The Crypto Thread

New BTC and ETH all-time-highs set today. Congrats to hodlers


Up to $10000 now

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Was considering registering an eth. domain a few months ago, but like everything else that has to do with ETH (other than HODLing) got scared away by the exorbitant gas fees.

More rake is better.

The whole point of nfts is you don’t rely on the word of the photographer or anybody. It is unforgeable and unhackable ownership. Nobody else can own the nft you own or make another like it. No forgeries like with art or other collectibles.



dApps are built in eth
Contracts are built on eth
Digital art is built on eth
Crypto coins are built on eth

Eth is the platform

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But that’s not owning the nft…that’s just using an image file on another nft and it’s provably not the same

That’s my point…the art isn’t what is valuable; it’s proven ownership of the art (or whatever utility the nft has)

  1. is a significant leap from username/password tho. it’s lock and key to retina scan level of leap


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Yeah but with a photo print you own a physical thing that you and only 9 other people can hang in their homes. Unless someone hacks the photographer’s source files, no one else can duplicate your print. And even then there’s a ton of back and forth with the printer that happens on something like that to get it right.

So there’s an argument to be made that knowing who owns something that anyone can copy is less valuable than owning a very rare object that only you and a few others can physically possess.



And some nfts come with physicals also

I bought an ai art nft for .15eth, got shipped a free framed canvas of it (I’m the only one who gets that physical of that art) and then sold the nft for .5eth

In the future, you’ll buy an nft for your Jordans and then sell it for more to someone who wants it and then they’ll burn the nft to get the Jordans in their size shipped to them.

And you’ll buy an nft to get entry into an event and burn it for entry + a proof of being there (digital ticket stub). Or you’ll sell it to someone else to flip if if you want.


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So it’s like a QR code but with more steps? And based on a currency that swongs massively in value? I’m not saying it’s not the future but why does the future always have to = the present but more annoying and with more middle men?

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FYI: just bought into ETH. Expect a significant drop


Man, the only crypto I have a significant holding in (leftover from 2017) is XLM. I assumed it was still a top 10, as iirc it was a solid technology back then and every time I checked it was something like #8 in market cap. Nope, just checked and it’s now on the verge of falling out of the Top 25. Woops. I have completely fucked this all up.

Does it have a dog?


No but it appears to be a dog