The Crypto Thread

I will have the last laugh when it hits $1 with my 98 billion tokens


This twitter thread only makes sense if all you get is a digital image of the ranch.

If you guys want to read about how an actual artist uses NFTs and builds a community around his art, read up on Micah Johnson and Aku. The NFTs he’s creating are creating digital ownership in his early artwork that is creating the concept of what will eventually be a movie, a game, and plans to have its own digital currency.

These are the type of projects that are real in the NFT space, where admittedly a lot of it is junk and speculative.

This is essentially the breakdown from their discord, but there’s a lot more info out there on this project.

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You own a cube and a shitload of ASH though. Highly doubt you’re down


This legitimately seems cool, but with some minor edits this exact thing could have been posted on r/cryptocurrency back in January 2018 about some random shitcoin project that would flame out within the year, and that’s hard for me to overcome. It doesn’t help that every single time I’ve taken a shot on anything like this I’ve basically missed the boat, but I guess I’ll try out NFTs too. I appreciate the conversation.

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Just to give you an idea of how successful this project has been, chapter 5 sold just under 2k mints for $999 each in 5 minutes.

I am now the proud owner of 221,477 Shibs.

To $1 I say!


Guess it’s time to sell mine! :joy:


SafeMoon’s the #1 gaining coin over the last 24h, also up like 75% in a week.

Still only 2.2 billion market cap and Shiba / Doge pumped until about 50-70 billy before running out of steam. I’m hoping SafeMoon is next.

oh fucking hell not that garbage

I think If you look back at the late 90s when a lot of shit shot up and crashed, it can look a little misleading on how long it actually took back then.


Gme still looks like the backside of a bubble.

It’s big-time back!

SHIB is way too expensive, it’s only a 1000x away from $1. Those are wimpy gains. KISHU could do like 1,000,000x and still not even be $1.


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Can I own this in an NFT? Can one of you crypto nerds make that happen please?


Dapper got the license to make NFL NFTs but thus far they’d strayed away from meme/joke moments like that so unlikely we’ll see it form them.

I think that’s CFL.

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sadly, already is (this isn’t official tho)

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Holy cow minted last 30 mins too.

Well I was gonna buy it, but aint nobody got time for all this BS.

You guys wanna get some greater fools you need to at least accept paypal or venmo.