The Crypto Thread

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Can you say if it was more or less than $10k?

The thing is, so much of our lives is concentrated online (I mean weā€™re having this very discussion online), that itā€™s only natural that art exists with real-world valuations and the ability to claim and prove ownership in the metaverse.

Most of us on this forum are at the age of struggling to grasp this new tech and new ways of thinking and behaving and living much as our parents were a couple decades ago with the Internet and all it brought forth.

But we know how that played out, and this will be no different, whether we are quick to grasp it or not.

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Wichita said there are 4 people with apes in the discord. So heā€™s not the only one.

Yeah that first paragraph is what everyone sounded like in the dotcom days. The fundamental nature of money has changed. Eyeballs are the new currency, etc. Turned out money was still money.

ā€œReal estate always goes upā€, and ā€œwe can completely eliminate risk with our algorithms and tranchesā€ - circa mid-2000s also comes to mind.

ā€œThis time is differentā€ is on the tombstone of every bubble/mania in history.

Iā€™m not saying all that is definitely false. Just saying when I hear talk about paradigm shifts in how things are valued I get suspicious.

Well, as long as it wasnā€™t about tree fiddy k.


Whether or not simple images of punks and apes should be worth millions or not is a separate question.

But the new tech is clearly here to stay, just as most .coms of the 90s valued in millions ended up worthless but what followed more accurately reflected the techā€™s true value.

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I think one thing to keep in mind is the vast majority of the UP crypto/NFT holdings were built up from very small to relatively small bankrolls to what they are today through flipping and people correctly holding the collections that have gone up. Itā€™s a lot like poker where you can move up in stakes as you go. The only difference is I donā€™t think the games get harder at the higher stakes, if anything they get easier imo.

As far as I know nobody jumped in from go and bought a 200k ape. I can only speak for myself but if every one of the hundreds of NFTs I owned went to 0 tomorrow morning I would still be up a sizeable amount of money. Itā€™s a lot easier to be cavalier about what happens next in that situation.

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Once again, im pretty sure you kept saying this to yourself while passing on real estate deals and tech unicorns, not to mention crypto.

Being afraid of bubble bursting will keep you poor and its not fun.

I didnā€™t have any money in the late 90s.

In 2006 I passed on buying a $600k house that I couldnā€™t afford with an ARM loan. Pretty sure I didnā€™t screw that one up. I also took my IRA out of the market before the crash then got back in at the bottom (documented on 2p2). But I realize most of that was luck. And I frittered away a lot of my gains because I thought the recovery was happening too fast.

The only other black swan in my lifetime was covid. Again I took my money out for a bit, then got back in at the bottom (documented on this forum). Iā€™ve almost doubled my nest egg from itā€™s pre-covid peak by being out of the market and again getting back in at the bottom and then riding different recovery stocks.

I currently think we could be in a bubble, but not enough to not be fully invested in the stonk market. I am mostly in index funds but still have a few recovery oil stocks, cruise lines and one airline. And I octupled my investment in AMC in a week. That was fun.

So Iā€™m not opposed to gambling, especially on stuff the US government is determined to perpetually backstop. But Iā€™m not interested in anything that smells like tulipmania to me (crypto included).

I agree that art NFTs might have some intrinsic value. I have learned something here today. It will be interesting to see where they stabilize when the first big freefall happens.

The one thing I guarantee you - if you ever see me capitulate and go all in on bitcoin or NFTs - sell everything. Thereā€™s no more bearish sign than someone like me capitulating.

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for the record nothing i write come as a brag, i had more money 10 years ago than i do now which is pretty pathetic. I got very lucky staking people in poker a while ago and did jack shit with the money i had in my late 20s

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I had a small IRA from 5 years at a corporate job in the early 2000s, then saved nothing until my next corporate job in 2010. Most of that time I owed more in credit cars than what was in my IRA. I think I finally went positive net worth around 2012. maybe later if you consider that the IRA will be taxed on the way out.

So I guess the lesson is - fuck around all you want until you turn 40 or so. :smiley: Or just buy monkey avatars.

Donā€™t worry not all of us made money on NFTs



ok so hereā€™s my perspective and i think it highlights the disconnect between people itt who are ngmi and the smart ones:

having the pope on board for our biblical nft project isnā€™t about a traditional legal ownership of the words or the intellectual property of the bible. iā€™m just assuming itā€™s all public domain because itā€™s been around for a thousand years. but you or me putting out a gospel nft project just doesnā€™t mean shit to the public because weā€™re nobodies. the pope has a wide reach and him promoting the nft bestows it with tremendous value, magically, from god himself almost. if joel osteen got behind the project, it would be great but not as good as it would be if we got the pope. if banksy does it, itā€™d probably be worth more than than the popeā€™s bible nft. social recognition of the provenance is the value of NFTs. anyone can independently verify the provenance of a piece, they donā€™t have to have an art degree or shlug it to antiques roadshow.

thatā€™s the groundbreaking new technology. it can be used for shit waste of time projects like mine and notbruceā€™s bible nft (iā€™m assuming 60% credit for basically coming up with the whole idea), or for tickets to an exclusive yacht party, the possibilities go on and on. you canā€™t say the tech is worthless

Oh, I get that part. I just donā€™t think the pope is the sort to participate in a grift like what I propose. Heā€™s said things which people interpret as negative towards Bitcoinā€™s environmental harm, but he also apparently has an NFT out there for charity:

What I envision doesnā€™t seem like his thing. On the other hand, I can totally see a prominent Protestant preacher embracing the grift.

ya getting a franciscan on board for a capitalist cashgrab sounds unlikely. i agree the timer is running for how long until osteen comes out with an NFT

and a bit back down goes shib, damn didnā€™t see it had pumped past .00008

and theyā€™re piling it into


man I live in a bubble, I had no idea

If anyone wants a laugh, I tried to guess the next meme and bought ~$1200 worth (after fees) of something called KISHU and it dropped 50% the hour after I bought it and is worth like $600 now.

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