The Crypto Thread

you’re not the pokemon creator so it would be worthless. i feel like this is an easy concept you’re overlooking. who creates the thing matters

You know that i got nothing but pure jealousy and a bit of respect towards you, but like your topshot crushing is exactly my point. Im sure you crushed similarly at nfts because you are smart, but i seriously doubt youre an art collector

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I can also look at your NFT when it goes to zero and I didn’t have to lose my shirt to do it.

I have a piece of art I paid $2k for. Obviously it wasn’t an investment. It makes me happy to look at.

There is some cachet in having the original painting. You can literally see the brush strokes and get inside the artist’s mind. A preproduction is never going to be the exact same.

I guess a better analogy would be a one-off or limited edition photographic print, which could be recreated as many times as desired, but the artist has chosen to limit the supply.

I like looking at Picassos.

Ok I guess I’m mixing up stuff like the tungsten cube and top shot with NFT art. I can see NFT art not completely going to zero.

But I dunno about animated gifs and stuff. I’d want to be able to print it up and hang it in my house so I can at least have something to point at.

Sure, so do I, but outside of the context of knowing it’s a Picasso I wouldn’t really pay to do so and I don’t think most people would. We’re basically told who is great.

i hung up my pak cube for display. it’s displaying rn

i point at that fucker all the time

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I don’t agree with Picasso. He’s one of the artists that I think anyone can look at and immediately be like wow. I think a New Guinean bushman would be impressed by Picasso. It hits something primal.

Jackson Pollock or Mark Rothko would totally fit the description of what you’re saying. You need the context of what came before it and what it meant in its time to know that it’s art.

A 2D black and white picture or a facsimile of the actual cube?

I think topshot is declining precisely because of that and that is easily the most collectible nft. I dont believe there are enough collectors long term. There are enough flippers, like we’re not even close to scraping the pool of flippers. Most flippers arent even aware of nfts yet

Guy propped up the entire high stakes poker community basically by himself for a few years. A few whales alone can basically sustain this for a while.

I’ll scoop in and buy some when they hit rock bottom. I’m a l33t bottom timer.

In some ways, paying for an NFT is about the experience and not having the object in the same way that some people choose to spend money on acquiring things while other people choose to spend money on acquiring experiences through things such as travel. Why would I bother to go to Chichen Itza when I can look at pictures and read a book about it to gain the same information?

People are paying for the feeling of ownership because the concept of an NFT means something to them. I don’t partake because it means nothing to me and I don’t have enough hustle in me to chase all sorts of money making schemes, but I can understand why others do.

I’ll just remind you that beetlejuice can put his avatar for sell right now for 150 THOUSAND real american dollars and it will sell instantly.

The person who buys it is somewhat rich by any normal standard.

So while the nft community certainly gets high on their own supply, it’s also silly to come in guns blazing at “lol this is worthless”.

it’s looping video of this cube spinning in space. uploading a video of the thing i right-clicked and saved to a hard drive isn’t smooth in replaying the ends of the video, there’s a choppiness as it resets, so i use a smart tv app that verifies the nft wallet, finds the metadata and displays it.

Yeah I think now it’s about the experience - but like I said, the backstop when it’s in freefall is having something you can point at. The experience becomes no fun when you watch all your shit go to zero.

People pay a lot of money for limited edition photo prints which could be endlessly reproduced if the photographer went back on his word. So I guess that’s not completely out of the ballpark of a market for NFT art that’s actually art, and not just a gimmick or a 3rd quarter jump shot.

But still with photography, you have a pretty picture hanging on your wall with a nice frame and lighting. You can sip wine as you murmur intelligently about the fine art photography scene with your guests.

As long as I can print up my NFT and drink wine to it (like the one goofy posted). I don’t see that happening with a 64 pixel avatar or w/e. That’s all about the fun of trading and posting with nerds on forums.

When the crash happens all that trading stuff becomes zero fun. I watched it happen on The Motley Fool basically overnight. All the bulls evaporated and the bears had no one left to even dunk on.

So it’s constantly rotating on a dedicated TV screen? Also why do you need to verify the NFT wallet every time?

Have you thought about having a version 3D printed? That would be cool as long as it’s not some MC Escher thing that can’t actually be built.

Holy crap. Beetlejuice, how much did you pay for it?

not every time. i verified like logging into netflix and just have it up. it’s a tv i was gonna get rid of that i just set up along with my caravaggio and basquiat prints


The only reason I came into the thread is because I saw Shaun Smith (an ex-NFL player) asking how he can get in on NFTs. Throughout history when you start to hit average randos (like the mailman giving you stock tips) that’s a sign you may be near the beginning of the end. There are no greater fools past the Shaun Smiths of the world.

When my uncle asked me if XML was the next Linux, I think the NASDAQ crashed within a year (and he lost a ton of money).

Anyway I wasn’t really trying to come in guns blazing. I figured this thread would be a mixture of true believers and traders just riding the wave. Sounds like top shot already dropped off.