The Crypto Thread


We bought a laser eye mutant ape for 8426 eth and sold it for a single doge


Binance is currently offering 110% APY on AXS staking*

*Terms may apply

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it’s doubled in USD

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A good detailed breakdown on the reason for the high yields in this article:

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BlockFi had an oopsie a while back:

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give them 700

sure thing boss



Many of them are all linked to the same mega source (Genesis). I think there’s maybe one other. Lotta information on PROHASHING too

Damn, wish I was on the receiving end of that.

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I’m guessing the fundamentals of the arbitrage are similar, but don’t know for sure.

Deleted poly post since I can’t find the reddit posts that it references

Given that smart contracts are the underlying feature of ETH’s value proposition, it’s problematic if we can’t trust them to work, as trustlessness is at the core of the decentralized universe that crypto promises to deliver.


Fwiw, Coinbase was going to offer this. Then the SEC told them it amounts to a security, they pulled it rather than go through the scrutiny that that product would entail.

Imo 8% is severely underpricing the risk involved in unlicenced securities through anonymous international companies.

I just got a sweet 5% instantly, buying from someone who needed cash at the poker table.


Is Coinbase’s entire business model charging significantly higher fees than other companies to buy/sell a smaller number of coins? How does google/amazon not have a crypto exchange yet?

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Genius move by them to avoid taxes. Kind of makes me tempted to hit my local casino and just sit and fold at 2/5 to try to sell some crypto for cash

Use CB Pro and the fees are significantly less.


This is very pro ETH, but also addresses a LOT of the questions I have had and seen others ask here also. It’s two interviews.

See 10:20 and 30:30 … is ETH necessary for the ethereum network? The reaction of both to this question is really interesting.