The Crypto Thread

right now @lightcrypto a former poker professional is discussing the crypto bear market. Very sharp guy not afraid to call a spade a spade. will be posted on the uponlyTV Youtube channel later tonight

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I lost him at Siths leaning in. So, early. … what’s the gist?

They do a 1-3 hour show a few times a week where they discuss crypto markets with people from all parts of the industry. From Sam Bankman-Fried and CZ the FTX and Binance founders respectively, to heads of major trading firms like Three Arrows Capital, to random TikTok Influencers who started scam coins or meme coins like CumRocket or literal SCAMcoin.

I’ll post a link to some bullet points of this episode when it gets posted to twitter. @CMSintern and @analyticalali on twitter are great accounts to follow where they post notes from various podcasts/content in the space. @lightcrypto started from a Pokerstars Sunday Warmup win and got into crypto for real May 2017 and ran up 9+ figures.

above are notes from the podcast

lol crypto

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BTC 32%

Dow 14.5%

Lol stock market


I considered this strong buy signal 5 days ago but wussed out.


I assume it’s this.

Nice job ‘insider’

No posts here in a while, kind of surprising given the runup. I’m continuing my long-term gamble to just acquire ETH, tiny transactions at a time, but had this thought … I see news stories all the time about the energy use of bitcoin, new bitcoin mining operations, new bitcoin energy use rules, etc etc … I wonder to what extent mainstream press uses “bitcoin” to mean “crypto” … and, if you could track the frequency of crypto currency mentions in mainstream publications, maybe one could better see sentiment.

I went to pay for something on Etsy yesterday and paypal offered me the option to pay with ETH…

I think as it applies to mining and energy use, in most cases they are referring specifically to bitcoin, as the energy consumption of the proof-of-work bitcoin network is an issue specific to it, whereas ETH is transitioning to proof of stake, for which energy consumption is not an issue.

Call me a goodweathertrader but with the market going in the right direction I’m back to messing around a bit. I happened to have SOL and AVAX and sold at a nice profit, and I’m looking for inspiration to dump some $ on. @6ix any hot new takes?

I’m on a text thread with some bros who are going crazy over something called Cardano, any of y’all on that?

Lots are.

There will be less on that this time next year.

The idiots of the world are either worried about inflation or pretending that inflation is going to be a serious problem in the future to improve their positions. Inflation is here now and it is what we all see.

Businesses are mass producing chips and general consumer products to meet demand but we wont just conveniently slide into the supply/demand sweet spot where everything is A okay as opposed to running into a gluttony of products that causes prices to come down when folks have everything they need and the money highs came to an end. You will hear about deflation fears in the near future.

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I have no idea what this site is – bullshit investing “advice” or what – so take it with a grain of salt and then some. … Cardano and Ethereum to make huge gains by year end, predict crypto founders

tldr:Coinbase support is nonexistant and if hackers steal your money they wont even call you back. Problem is apparently so big they are bringing back live chat and phone support.

From what I understand, the sim swap isn’t enough on its own; the criminals need it in combination with either your password or access to your email (to reset your pw).

Sim-swapping has been a big ignored problem for a while, which is why SMS is a lousy form of 2fa for something as important as a 170k account. As for the pw, I would think Coinbase locks you out after a few/several failed attempts? But people still shouldn’t use a pw that can be brute-forced.

Coinbase has handled this poorly of course, but even if they had customer support, I don’t imagine there’s anything they could do. The convo would go something like, “We’ve investigated and it turns out, your money is still gone. To use an analogy, your money is to
‘gone’ as Rush Limbaugh is to ‘dead’.”

If anything, sue the phone company because they’re the ones allowing any stranger to redirect your texts to a different phone simply by calling up customer service.

Should Coinbase reimburse people? My initial reaction was that it’s not their fault. But one might argue that it is because if they were gonna offer SMS 2fa at all, it should have been opt-in and come with a big warning about how insecure it is and how you’re waiving your right to reimbursement as a result. They should have been urging their customers to use hardware 2fa or a special app or something.

Last night, a crackpot at my poker table said the global elites plan to make XRP the single global currency. Remember when those fidget spinners were popular for maybe a year? According to him, that’s because they resemble Ripple’s logo and they were meant to be subliminal Ripple propaganda for kids.

He also said there will be a stock market crash on Sept 16 due to the Shmita year, so consider yourselves warned.


Oh no! Not the Shmita year!


I told you fuckers not to use coinbase.