The crazy situation with my neighbors (very verbose)


uh, wow. And here I thought my crazy neighbor that stands on his back porch screaming at random times would be worthy of posting, but this is…wow.

Also forgot to mention the time one of Kim’s friends passed out in a running car in front of my house with a needle in her arm. That was fun.


really my only crazy story is a tenant story, not a neighbor story, so doesn’t really apply.

Okay so there’s about a 10% chance he’s actually from Boston.

Maybe a 25% chance he actually grew up in the US. I feel like almost every boy who would now be 40-60 grew up playing tee ball, right?

At this point I was thinking witness protection, but I guess there’s also a chance he’s just involved in organized crime actively, cheating on his wife or buying drugs and trying to cover his tracks. Can’t come up with any other explanations. The fact that he disappeared could go with any of these.

Are you sure he went from Kevin → Lamborghini and not from Lamborghini → Kevin? It seems at least possible that mail to his old name started showing up, and this could make sense with the rest of the story if he’s in witness protection.

Well, one thing that comes to mind is that if you heard there was a school shooting somewhere random, and a few days later the backstory of the shooter was similar to Sergei’s, would you be surprised? I wouldn’t. So I’d definitely be looking to take some action here, although I doubt anyone in law enforcement will act on it yet.

  1. Do what simplicitus said and have a casual chat with some local cops and see what they say.

  2. Form a plan - but it should probably involve notifying the FBI about Sergei’s situation, doing some form of what the cops suggest, and putting some security cameras up on your house - and it’s better if they blend in and/or are hard to notice. I think it’s important to lay some groundwork in case you need to do more later. It’ll be easier to get law enforcement to do something if there’s a trail of past complaints.

  3. Make sure your kids stay away from them, but are polite. Give your kids a plan in case something happens - where to go hide to stay safe, etc.

  4. If you want to know more for peace of mind, consider hiring a private detective. Of course, there’s probably a significant risk that the private detective is found out if Lamborghini Gallardo is in the Russian mob or something, so that could be a risky action to take.

  5. I know, I know, but buy a gun. Get a gun safe, lock it up, get a biometric one, whatever you need to do to keep your kids safe from finding it/using it. Take it to the range and practice with it until you’re capable of hitting someone 15-20 feet away. Store the gun in the safe in a place you’d retreat to in your house under threat. I’m not a big gun person, but this is exactly the type of situation in which a reasonable and responsible person would actually likely be safer having one. You have an unstable family, possible crime connections, unsupervised kids, alcohol and guns all mixed together. There are a lot of potentially bad outcomes there. Once this situation is resolved, melt the gun down for scrap metal or whatever.

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Wow, that’s crazy. Seems like it’s a good thing that her kids were taken away at this point. Hopefully she gets the help she needs, but it sounds like she’s going to end up in jail. Stay safe, and hopefully one way or another your neighborhood is back to normal soon.

That sign she put up almost looks like she’s inviting homeless people to her house and giving stuff away. I assume Tim was her husband’s name?

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The first sign suggests a fair amount of intelligence, in that she was able to spell out “Tim, I’m so sorry,” with makeshift characters.

Given those signs, it looks like she’s gonna kill herself sooner or later.

This is why I don’t interact with my neighbors. That and I don’t speak Czech.

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Grunch: kind of a tough spot because if you tell all that to the police, there’s way more than a non-zero chance that they come over and kill Sergei and maybe everyone else.

I just assumed since they were Russian that they were white. Sergei will be all good.

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Probably the best decision, though not the most convenient, is to move house.


LFS: Maybe you should go see the cops and ask them what their approach would be, without giving them identifying info. Aren’t there like, social services you can contact or something though? I’m starting to realize how useless it is me posting when I’m not from your country.

Edit and just read the second story, all I have to offer for that one is “yikes”.

It actually says TJM. Hard to read. I think that’s another homeless drug dealer

You all need to move.


Cops pretty much just laugh at you for anything less than murder or major property theft.

Didn’t some cop shoot that black lady in Fort Worth while doing a wellness check?

Not in Los Feliz

Was there ever an update on this? The stalker thread reminded me.

Nada. I did submit stuff on the anonymous website. Kid is still freely driving around. Haven’t seen the mom in a while.

My neighbor is still there. Nothing super crazy to rival the sign in the past 6 weeks. She came around on Halloween with her kids looking like she was coming off meth or crack or something. The other day at like 4am she was standing in her kitchen (remember no blinds) in her underwear talking to her empty hand that she was holding up in front of her face. That’s about it for new stories though.

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