The crazy situation with my neighbors (very verbose)

Your solution in four easy steps.

  1. Get Netflix account
  2. Watch The Americans
  3. Call the FBI about the Soviet spies living next door
  4. Ask your family which part of Nebraska they prefer for the Witness Protection Program
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Are you just shilling for Netflix? Because step one won’t help him learn how to suss out spies.

I thought The Americans was on Netflix. Amazon Prime?

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No idea what to do, just chiming in to reiterate how ABSOLUTELY INSANE it is that in America, an underage kid playing with guns is not an instant intervention.


Everything, but Netflix.
Grantorino Stephanopoulos

  1. Mount security cameras on your house that provide good coverage of their house and the rest of the street

  2. Post the good stuff to YouTube.

  3. $$$


The kids will likely start to steal from you.

The guns probably violate some CA and LA laws. Shitty situation. I’d try to have a casual chat with the local cops and see what they suggest at options.

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Batgirl gonna get fucked up by some Russian spies.

My therapist lives in Toluca Lake. She’s convinced that a lot of her neighbors are in the Russian mob. Tread lightly I guess.

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In my online game just about every Russian American says he’s from Boston :face_with_hand_over_mouth: or Seattle.


Haha I was just gonna post this; glad I read full thread first

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I’m gonna guess Maserati Pappadapolous

I used to be a case manager. If I saw this, I would :100: notify the sheriff department. Guns, alcohol and kids are a bad combo. The mother at the very least needs a psych eval. If she has a history of mental illness, is drinking, and has both kids and guns involved? Yikes. Yea it sucks you might be breaking the family up. But you might also be saving the kids from a horrible end.


Cadillac Monroe

You need something like this where you live?

That post is a joke about the Dallas police killing innocent people right?

This is why you don’t get the police involved.


I have in many ways a similar story about a crazy neighbor. Not personally looking for advice as in my situation authorities are aware and working on it (not that anything meaningful will come of it) but if there’s interest in the story I can make a new thread. Should I?

Fine with me if you post it here - this can be the crazy neighbor thread

This is gonna be similarly long. It gets crazier and crazier as the story goes on.

For background, I live in an upper middle class suburban neighborhood in upstate, South Carolina. I’ve lived here for 2.5 years, it was a new build, the neighbor in question moved in just over a year ago. We both live at the entrance to the neighborhood, facing different directions on a street corner so our backyards back into one another. Neighbor is a early 30s-ish single woman with 2 young kids, apparently recently widowed (her husband was in the military, its not entirely clear how or why he died). We’ll call her Kim.

The first time I met Kim was about a month after she moved in, she sent me a facebook message asking if I could sign a permission letter for her to submit to the HOA so she could build a fence that connected into my own. Sure, no problem, I’m a good neighbor and that doesn’t bother me at all. Kim never showed up, however, so I just swung by–and when she answered the door, two completely naked children went running out the front (the older was probably 5). A little weird, but I shrugged it off–though the kids certainly seemed old enough that it was weird, and I wondered if they weren’tt old enough for at least kindergarten. The fence was built and I thought nothing more of it.

The next week, our neighbor on the other side of Ki’ms house, who also has small kids, decided to bring her kids over for a playdate and get to know Kim. She only stayed 15 minutes before excusing herself–apparently Kim was so drunk at 2pm, alone with her small children, that she couldn’t carry on a conversation and was wobbling. She also said the house, which had only been lived in for a few weeks, was already filthy and smelled terrible.

Several weeks later, it was Halloween, and Kim posted a long diatribe on our neighborhood Facebook group. Apparently, (remember she lives at the front of the neighborhood), she had a gentleman friend over that was going to help her decorate for Halloween. He parked on the street across from a construction dumpster, preventing anyone from getting into the neighborhood at rush hour. Apparently one of the neighbors had the gall to politely knock on her door and ask her to move the car so they could get into the neighborhood and not hold up traffic; he should’ve “waited the 15 minutes max” (somehow he could’ve known that is how long the car would be blocking the roadway?) rather than rudely disrupt her. Kim then went on a rant about how decorating for Halloween was her only escape since her husband had been killed in combat right in front of her eyes (not possible–military won’t put a wife and husband together in the same squad) and she had PTSD and was still grieving and we were the meanest neighbors ever. Kim copied the same rant on the Facebook walls of a bunch of her neighbors, who hadn’t been involved in the altercation in any way.

I didn’t actually get scared until a few weeks later–when I heard a gun go off 30 feet from my bedroom. Apparently, Kim had gotten into an argument with her gentleman friend at about 1 in the morning on a Sunday night and he wouldn’t leave. Her story is that she fired the gun in the air to force him to leave. The police showed up and arrested her for discharging a firearm in the neighborhood. Her parents took the kids. She was released on bail a few days later, and best I can tell confined to house arrest (she doesn’t have a job–no idea how she affords a home in an upper middle class neighborhood). She sent me a Facebook message when she got home, apologizing and asking if I would keep an eye out for his car as she had a restraining order filed. Played the victim. I didn’t want to get involved.

A pattern formed over the next few months–she would go on Facebook group rants attacking her neighbors. We all learned not to trust her. The police would periodically show up at her house; more often than not we didn’t know why, it may have simply been to check in. Sometimes she would get into a screaming match with them late at night on her front porch. Then she changed her name on Facebook.

Apparently she’d gotten her kids back and needed a babysitter (maybe free from house arrest?). Someone didn’t realize her Facebook name had changed, and sent their teenage daughter over to babysit the children. I don’t know the specifics, but the teenage girl quickly left because she didn’t feel safe, and Kim had to return home. Apparently Kim had left a homeless man sleeping on her couch (she said it was her brother) that smelled like he pissed himself. The teenage girl wasn’t OK with babysitting in this situation and called her Dad, who put an end to the evening immediately.

I started snooping around, and it turned out one of my coworkers was friends with her on Facebook, so I casually asked about her. He confirmed she was crazy. He said that she had been addicted to multiple heavy drugs (meth, heroin, and even crack for a while), and that he had heard that her husband had shot himself in the head and the last thing he told her was that it was the only way he could get away from her. Makes me feel really bad for her, but didn’t exactly make me feel any easier about living next to this woman.

Another side note: she didn’t buy blinds for the back of her house, and she stays up all night. When I go out after dark to let the dogs out to pee, her entire house is lit up like a stage. Several times, she has been completely nude, apparently giving some sort of camgirl show in front of the window. Super disturbing and will become more of an issue once we have kids, but not sure I want to get involved with her to bring it up.

The next Facebook explosion happened about a month ago. Apparently another homeless friend had hopped her fence at 3am and tried to enter in a back window. A neighbor had seen this happen and called the police. Apparently she had been hooking up with this homeless guy and having him come in through the backyard so-as to not wake up her kids, who she didn’t want to meet this random hook up. She wasn’t going to press charges for the break-in, but he apparently also had pot on him, so they took him to jail for that. She chastised the entire neighborhood on Facebook for being so stuck-up and throwing a good man in jail and judging her for being a single mom and satisfying her needs (none of us would’ve had any idea except she was blasting all this onto our public Facebook group).

She also posted into another city group that she needed someone to adopt her dog (didn’t even know she had a dog, I’ve never heard/seen it in her backyard) because she claims it’s a “nervous house peer and her kids mentioned it at school and social services were going to remove them from her house if she didn’t get rid of the dog peeing in her house”. Obv story makes no sense, my guess is she was abusing the dog, it was peeing everywhere in the house, and social services was already involved and told her it wasn’t a hygeinic way to raise kids and she’d have to either lose the dog or lose the kids.

So the most concerning part of all probably needs pictures. Apparently she started suffering from psychosis and put a sign out on a rural street that runs alongside our neighborhood, and hooked it up to Christmas lights. No idea what it means but I will let y’all speculate. Her kids were taken away after this; my wife made sure social services intervened after this. I’ll let y’all speculate as to what this means…

Sweet Jesus. Sorry you have to deal with that. Hopefully she gets the help she clearly needs.